Feb 16, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 2 
2020-2021 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 2 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administration and Faculty

Board of Trustees

South College operates through a Board of Trustees comprised of members from the board of directors of the college and from leaders in the community not associated with the college. The members of the Board of Trustees, other than those who serve as members of the board of directors, shall have no equity interest in the institution. Continuity in membership ensures the stability of the institution.

  1. The members of the Board of Trustees shall serve terms of service that vary from one to six years.
  2. The Board shall be maintained for the following purposes:
  1. To establish broad institutional policies consistent with the college’s priorities.
  2. To assist in measuring the financial resources of the college and to assure adequate support of the institution’s programs.
  3. To assist in establishing the mission/purpose of the institution and assure it is supported and fulfilled.
  4. To assist in establishing a method of evaluating the total effectiveness of the institution.

Members of the Board of Trustees for 2019-2020

L. Lloyd Montgomery-Chairman of the Board
President and COO, Southeast Bank & Trust

Dr. Joseph Johnson-Board Member
President Emeritus, University of Tennessee

Bruce Hartmann-Board Member
Chief Community and Government Relations Officer, University of Tennessee Medical Center

David Pesterfield-Board Member
President, Pharmacy Plus

King Purnell-Board Member
President of Tennessee, United Community Bank

Nicholas South-Board Member
Campus President, South College Nashville Learning Site

Rebecca South-Board Member

Stephen A. South-Board Member
Chancellor, South College

Corporate Officers

South College is operated by South College of Tennessee, LLC. Policies and procedures are formulated by the Board of Trustees of South College of Tennessee, LLC, d.b.a. South College, and implemented by the President of the college. South Development, Inc. is a related entity to South College of Tennessee, LLC for tax purposes, but has no control over the institution or its Board of Trustees. Articles of Incorporation are available in the office of the President.

Board of Directors for South College of Tennessee, LLC and South Development, Inc.
Stephen A. South, President Rebecca G. South, Secretary/Treasurer
Nicholas G. South

Senior Administration

Stephen A. South Chancellor
Bradley A. Adams Chief Operating/Financial Officer
Randall Carr Vice President of Talent and HR
Dr. A.J. Chase Dean of Academic and Student Services - Main Campus
Dr. Carol Colvin Vice President of Financial Aid
Dr. Kimberely B. Hall Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement and Effectiveness
Joshua Huffaker Campus President - Atlanta Learning Site
Dr. Danielle Kwasnik Dean of Academic and Student Services - Atlanta Learning Site
Carrie Major Vice President, Enrollment Management
Steven Read Vice Chancellor of Online Operations
Dr. Michael Patrick Vice President, Academic Improvement
Dr. Theodor Richardson Dean of Academics - Online
Dr. Lisa Satterfield Campus President/Dean of Academic & Student Services - Asheville Learning Site
Nicholas South Campus President - Nashville Learning Site
Dr. Stacy Waddell Vice Chancellor of Student Services
Jeremy Wells Chief Academic Officer

Staff - Main Campus/Parkside Learning Site (Knoxville, Tennessee)

Erika Adams Director of Operations - Physical Therapy
Jarad Anderson Senior IT Support Specialist
Diedra Archer Director of Operations - PA Studies
Sherry Argo Clinical Education Admin Coordinator - Physical Therapy
Melissa Aycock Clinical Education Admin Coordinator - Physical Therapy
Kelly Bacon Talent Assistant
Tracy Ballinger Executive Assistant - Pharmacy Practice
Alicia Banks Director of Student Affairs
Hannah Bates Financial Aid Officer
Kelly Bates Senior Admissions Representative/Trainer
Angie Bennett Administrative Assistant
Deborah Boromei Director of Admissions - PA Studies
Shawn Boruff Systems Engineer
Jeanie Braden Executive Assistant - Nursing
Jill Brehmer Director of Admissions - Pharmacy
Shanga Bridges Main Campus Maintenance
Larry Broadwater Sr. Director of Financial Aid
Lori Brown Admissions and Student Outreach Coordinator - Pharmacy
Donald Buchanan Parkside Learning Site Evening Assistant
Terry Callahan Evening School Coordinator
Jay Christensen Financial Data Analyst
Doug Cooper Simulations Coordinator
Breyer Cordeiro Master Admissions Representative
Elizabeth Cox Parkside Learning Site Maintenance
Jamie Cyphers Student Learning Specialist/Data Analyst - Pharmacy
Banissa Dalton Administrative Assistant - Pharmacy Practice
Crystal Demarte Director of Talent Support
Tiffany Dowdy Admissions Representative
Roxy Franks Admissions Representative
Brittany Galyon Master Admissions Representative
James Gill Instruction Librarian
Sarah Goodacre Financial Aid Officer
Cathy Gray Clinical Education Coordinator - Pharmacy
Ron Hall Director of Administrative Services
Gail Hammack Library Clerk
Carolyn Hayes Administrative Assistant - PA Studies
Lisa Hickam Administrative Assistant Supervisor
Jonathon Hudson Instruction Librarian
Gwendolyn Huff Admissions Clerk - Physical Therapy
Sara Hussein Admissions Representative
Steven James Director of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning
Mark Jones Director of Information Technology
Roy Josey Director of Maintenance
Naronda Kelser Director of Financial Aid Systems Administration
Kristin Kimberlain Student Success Advisor
Brian Kimbrough Financial Aid Officer
Jaime Limbaugh Administrative Assistant
Cherilyn Love Financial Aid Officer
Jared Manning Student Records Coordinator - Physical Therapy
Ginger Maples Assistant Registrar
Kian Mapp Student Success Advisor
Anthony Marcinelli Data Manager - PA Studies
Missy Martin Clinical Administrative Assistant - PA Studies
Jessica Marzi Instructional Technology Specialist
Alexandria McKenzie Student Success Advisor
Anya McKinney Head Librarian
Emily Meyers Main Campus Maintenance
Brian Neporadny Senior Software Engineer
Carl Parham Cataloging Librarian
Kristi Patterson College Registrar
Hannah Prosser Admissions Representative
Erika Rather Student Success Advisor
Rally Reyes Senior IT Support Specialist
Melissa Rimmer Accounting Analyst
Tracey Roper Accounting Analyst-Senior
Andre Sabatini Financial Aid Officer
Daisy Sauceman Assistant Registrar
Leslie Scandlyn Executive Assistant - Senior Administration
Brittany Sawyer Admissions Representative
Amy Shved Student Records Coordinator - Physical Therapy
Julia Seiber Main Campus Maintenance
Madison Shellenberger Admissions Representative
Deanna Slusher Director of Admissions
Laura Smith Financial Aid Officer
Stephen Smith Assistant Director of Clinical Education - Pharmacy
June Sparks Financial Aid Supervisor
Dana Steinbacher Admissions Representative
Jeanne Stewart Associate Director of Financial Aid
Julia Stewart Admissions High School Coordinator
Russ Strickland Senior IT Support Specilaist
Lisa Susong Master Admissions Representative
Ben Landers Director of Career & Alumni Services
Lisa Thomas Student Records Specialist - Pharmacy
Sophie Thompson Master Admissions Representative - Physical Therapy
Phillip Vance Parkside Learning Site Maintenance
Vickie Van Dorselaer Controller
Sherry Weaver Financial Aid Compliance Manager
Tammy Webb Administrative Coordinator - Nursing
Erin Wentley Student Success Advisor - Nursing
Tosha Wilkerson Accounting Analyst-Senior

Staff - Asheville Learning Site (Asheville, North Carolina)

Ronda Blackman Director of Financial Aid/Federal Funds
Annie Blanton Admissions Representative
Nona Camby Admissions Representative
Jenny Carleton Administrative Assistant Supervisor
Christine Chancey Accounting Clerk - Senior
Crystal Cheek High School Coordinator
Michael Ann Cramer Director of Student Success
Kira Duthu Director of Admissions
Brenda Fannon Administrative Assistant/Student Advisor - Nursing
David Handy Administrative Assistant
Courtney Holmes Student Success Advisor/Resource Center Clerk
Karissa Keen Senior Admissions Representative
Hilary Laney Financial Aid Officer
Chole McCleary-Small Admissions Representative/High School Coordinator
Michael Roberts Maintenance
Crystal Robters Maintenance
Kelly Satterfield Maintenance
Brandy Staudt Campus Registrar

Staff - Atlanta Learning Site (Atlanta, Georgia)

Albert Acheampong Student Success Advisor
Calvin Avant Director of Healthcare Business Development
Burrell Billingslea Admissions Representative
Rebecca Boucard Simulations Coordinator
Erin Brick Director of Student Success
Michelle Cardillo Admissions Representative
Georgetta Cooper Admissions Representative
Minette Davis Senior Admissions Representative
Sharon Davis Director of Financial Aid
Genesis Diaz Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Melissa Dubar Operations Coordinator - Physician Assistant
Katrina Dudley Financial Aid Officer
Shyra Duncan Admissions Representative
Ashley Ellis Evening Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Tia Fowler Admissions Representative
Sabrina Garity Resource Coordinator
Kim Garrett Campus Registrar
Andrea Gurske Director of Admissions
Matika Holmes Student Success Advisor
Breanna Lampkin Accounting Analyst
April Locklin Admissions Representative
Jimmy Mathew IT Support Specialist
Allona Neely Assistant Registrar
Valerie Relethford Admissions Representative
Denise Saldivar Student Success Advisor
Turner South Director of Finance
Yolanda Shaw Financial Aid Officer
Hassan Shamsid-Deen Admissions Representative
Abigail Simmons Admissions and Operations Coordinator - Physician Assistant
Daja Trotter Student Success Advisor
Chanteria Turner PA Studies Administrative Assistant
Terri Williams Financial Aid Officer
Katherine Zima Senior Admissions Representative

Staff - Nashville Learning Site (Nashville, Tennessee)

Jonathan Bray Student Success Advisor
Kelly Breen Admissions Representative
Garrett Bruner Admissions Coordinator - PA Studies
Danielle Burnside Admissions Representative
April Cumpston Director of Admissions
Debra Davis Maintenance
Kristina Decker Assistant Registrar
David Dowd Maintenance
Nori Drach Student Success Advisor
Stefanie Glimenakis Director of Operations - Dental
Lauren Johnson Administrative Assistant - Academic Affairs
Ainsley Kerr Director of Administrative Operations - PA Studies
Samantha Kost Student Success Advisor
Kristi Lesnock Director of Student Services
Starlet Lowe Master Admissions Representative
Liza Martin Financial Aid Officer
Sloane Moore Financial Aid Officer
Eryn Moses Master Admissions Representative
Brooke Olson Instruction Librarian
Jennifer Potts Student Services Coordinator
Joe Rohelier Maintenance
Ansley South Admissions Representative/High School Coordinator
Tiffany Stamps Master Admissions Representative
Shannon Storiano Administrative Assistant
Debra Tabb Financial Aid Officer
Chris Tanksley Director of Administative Services
Leslie Tignor Financial Aid Director

Staff - Online Operations and Marketing - Administration (Pittsburgh, PA)

Ross Abbott Master Admissions Representative
Susan Abbott Senior Admissions Representative
Gladys Allen Admissions Representative
Devin Anderson Admissions Representative
Steven Adnerson Senior Admissions Representative
Mary-Kathryn Arnold Director of Student Affairs
Alyssa Ashcraft Marketing Specialist
Eric Avanesov Admissions Representative
Emily Beilchick Admissions Representative
John Bieranoski Financial Aid Officer
Kelly Burke Assistant Registrar
Vicotoria Bush Admissions Representative
Sharon Canonaco Senior Admissions Representative
Mary Conley Financial Aid Officer
Peter DePascale Student Success Advisor
Roxanne Detino Admissions Representative
Chris Emery Student Success Advisor
Nick Famiglietti Senior Admissions Representative
James Ference Financial Aid Supervisor
Danielle Gordon Financial Aid Officer
Cari Hall Student Success Advisor
Sharon Houseman Financial Aid Officer
Sharesse Jones Student Success Advisor
Brittany Kent Admissions Representative
Ryan Kins Financial Aid Supervisor
Nicole King Student Success Advisor
Paula Marshall Associate Director of Admissions
Brett McElroy Financial Aid Officer
Helen Michael Student Success Advisor
Misty Miller Financial Aid Officer
Vanessa Moore Student Success Advisor
Matthew Moran Senior Admissions Representative
Emily Orsovay Student Success Advisor
Natalie Parker Admissions Representative
Anne Petrella Senior Director of Student Success
Jason Pietropaula Instructional Designer
David Rau Admissions Representative
Cynthia Robinson Accounting Analyst
Dana Rudesyle Admissions Representative
James Ruybal Master Admissions Represenative
Catherine Sabo Senior Student Success Advisor
Hannah Sheridan Director of Admissions
Lisa Schneider Master Admissions Representative
Bella Smith Student Success Advisor
Elizabeth Smith Admissions Representative
Matthew Smith Admissions Representative
Michelle Smith Senior Admissions Representative
Morgan Snyder Assistant Registrar
Ryan Stevenson Associate Director of Admissions
Robert Stevenson Senior Admissions Representative
Vito Taormina Admissions Representative
Serene Tobin Admissions Representative
Kristen Travers Admissions Representative
William Turner Director of Admissions
Mitch Walker Master Admissions Representative
Erin Ward Instructional Designer
Rebecca Weaver Admissions Representative
Susan Welter Admissions Representative
Laurel Westrom Student Success Advisor
Kayla Woodard Admissions Representative
Erin Wright Master Admissions Representative
Bridgit Zurynski Admissions Representative

Faculty (Knoxville/Online)

 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

MAHA ABDALLA-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. University of Georgia
Pharm.D. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

MELISSA ADAMS-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Northcentral University
M.A. South University
B.A. Laroche College

FADI ALKHATEEB-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
M.B.A. Aspen University
B.Pharm. Jordan University of Science and Technology

KATHERINE ACEVEDO-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. University of Tennessee
B.A. Florida Atlantic University

IMAD AL SAEED-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

D. CS. Colorado Technical University
M.B.A. Colorado Technical University
B.S. University of Technology

DOROTHY ALLEN-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

D. CS. Colorado Technical University
M.B.A. Colorado Technical University
B.S. University of Technology

JESSICA RACHEL ALLEN-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Lincoln Memorial University
B.S. Lincoln Memorial University

LILIA ANAND-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. University of Oregon
B.A. Willamette University

JACLYN ANDERSON-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Keiser University
B.S. Liberty University

PAUL ANDERSON-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. University of Cincinnati
M.A. University of Cincinnati
B.A. Wright State

SARA ANDIES-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Columbia University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

SAMANTHA ANTH-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Lindenwood University
M.Ed. University of Missouri
B.A. Western Missouri University

TAMARA ASHER-Faculty, School of Nursing

B.S. East Tennessee State University

CINDY AYO-Faculty, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

Post-Professional O.T.D. Rocky Mountain University of Health
B.S. University of Alabama Birmingham

MARK AZEL-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.S. University of Nebraska
B.S. University of Nebraska

SARAH BACHOR-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.MS. Nova Southeastern University
M.P.H. Nova Southeastern University
B.S. University of Central Florida

LAURA BAKER-Chair/Faculty, School of Business and Technology (Online)

D.B.A. Argosy University
M.B.A. Regis University
B.S. Missouri State University

JULIA BALL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. East Tennessee State University
B.S. University of Tennessee

BLAKE BANCROFT-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Austin Peay State University
B.A. State University of New York

APRIL BARTON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. King University
B.S. King University

AMAL BASSA-Faculty, Department of Science (Online)

M.S. George Washington University
M.Sc. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
B.Sc. Bethlehem University

BREANNA BEAVER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Youngstown State University
B.A. Youngstown State University

LACEY BEELER-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.N.A. East Tennessee State University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

JENNIFER BELITZ-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.P.A.S. Trevecca Nazarene University
B.S. Clemson University

WILLIAM BERGQUIST-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. Indiana Institute of Technology

BRIAN BEYER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. University at Buffalo
B.A. University at Buffalo

SADIKSHYA BHANDARI-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Connecticut
B.S. Cameron University

NADIA BHATTI-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Arizona State University
B.A. Arizona State University

MARY ELIZABETH BLEVINS-Faculty, School of Education

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.Ed. Lincoln Memorial University
B.S. University of Tennessee

DONNA BOXELL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. King University
B.S. King University

MICHAEL BOYD-Faculty, School of Business & Technology

M.B.A. University of North Florida
B.A. Jacksonville University

DON BRANAM-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. Cumberland University

BRUCE BRAZELL-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Texas A & M University
M.S. Stephen F. Austin State University
B.S. West Texas A & M

RICHARD BREEDEN-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. Mercer University

MICHAEL BREWER-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Northcentral University
M.B.A. City University
B.A. California University of Pennsylvania

SHANNON BROWN-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Spring Arbor University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

STEPHANIE BROWN-Faculty, Department of Science (Online)

M.S. Western Illinois University
B.S. Western Illinois University

LOUISA HOPE BRUCE-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of North Carolina

WIYANNA BRUCK-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. Oregon State University
B.S. Eastern Washington University

PIPER BRUMMERSTEDT-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

J.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

MEREDITH BUCHMAN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Wester Chester University
B.A. Edinboro University

JASMINE BUNDY-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Walden University
M.A. Arizona State University
B.A. Kean University

STACEY BURT-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Trevecca Nazarene University
M.A. University of South Alabama
B.S. University of South Alabama

AMANDA CABBAGE-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. East Tennessee State University
B.S. University of Tennessee

BRANDI CALDWELL-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

Certification in Diagnostic Medical Sonography Southwest Missouri Allied Health
B.S. South College
A.S. South College
A.S. Walter’s State Community College
Certification ARDMS (AB)(OBGYN)

FRANK CARBER-Faculty, Department of General Education

J.D. Seattle University School of Law
M.A. George Mason University
M.A. Naval War College
M.A. University of Colorado
B.A University of California

MILTON CARTER-Faculty, Department of General Education

D. Min. Regent University
M.A. Church of God Theological Seminary
B.S. Lee University

CHESLIE CARTER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Indiana University of Pennsylvania

MICHAEL CATELLO-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Indiana University of Pennsylvania

ERIN CAWLEY-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Chatham University
B.A. LaRoche College

ANGELA CHARLES-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Arizona State University
B.A. St. Leo University

SUZANNE CHITTOM-Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Washington University - St. Louis
B.A. Delta State University
A.A. Itawamba Community College

ASHLEY CLARK-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Argosy University
M.A. Duquesne University
B.S. Slippery Rock University

CRAIG CLEMMONS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Middlebury College
B.A. Cedarville University

DEBRA COLE-Faculty, School of Education

Ed.D. Carson Newman University
Ed.S. Tennessee Technological University
M.Ed. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

REBECCA COLLINS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Capella University
B.S. Indiana Wesleyan University

GARY COOPER-Co-Department Chair, Department of Science

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. Tennessee State University

JENNIFER COOPER-Chair, Department of General Education (Online)

M.S. Youngstown State University
B.S. Kent State University

NATHAN COPE-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

RITA CREWS-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.S.A. St. Joseph College
B.S. Creighton University
A.S. Drury College

BRITTANY CROWE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Southern New Hampshire University
B.A. Ashford University

MARGARET CROWE-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.S. Liberty University
M.Ed. George Mason University
M.S. Troy University
B.A. Weber State University

CRISTINA CURRY-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.H.S. South College
B.S. Liberty University

GUILLERMO CUTRONE-Director of Student Affairs/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.Sc. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
M.P.T. University of Buenos Aires

ERIC DADEY-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. University of Kentucky
M.S. University of Kentucky
M.S. Western Kentucky University
B.S. Western Kentucky University

TASSI DALTON-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

J.D. Southern University Law Center
M.S. University of Louisiana
B.S. Northwestern State University

BASMA DAMIRI-Faculty, School of Education

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.S. Northeastern Illinois University
M.S. University of Jordan
B.S. University of Jordan

ANTOINETTE DAVIS-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. University of Kentucky
M.A. Wayne State University
B.A. Oakwood University

KATELYNN DAVIS-Faculty, Department of Medical Assisting

B.A.S. American Military University
A.A.S. Roane State Community College
Diploma Tennessee College of Applied Technology

JAMES DECKER-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences/School of Business and Technology

D.H.S. Medical University of South Carolina
M.B.A. University of Tennessee
M.S.H.A. University of Alabama Birmingham
M.S. Louisiana State University
Graduate Diploma, Advanced Respiratory Therapy University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics

ALICIA POTTER DEFALCO-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee

JEANETTE DELLINGER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A.Ed. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
M.S. Rutgers University
B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

THOMAS DENNIGER-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Sacred Heart University
B.S. Sacred Heart University

SHIV DHAR-Co-Department Chair, Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Poona
M.S. University of Poona
B.S. University of Poona

MICHAEL DILLON-Dean/Faculty, School of Business & Technology

Ph.D. University of Cincinnati
M.B.A. Xavier University
A.B. Kenyon College

NIRAJ DOSHI-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

J.D. Concord University
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
M.S. Rosalind Franklin University
B.S. University of California, Los Angeles

MATTHEW DOUGHERTY-Faculty, Department of Science

D.O. University of Pikeville
B.S. East Tennessee State University

TYLER DOUGHERTY-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee
B.A. Maryville College

JACOB DUNBAR-Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. East Tennessee State University
M.S. East Tennessee State University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

KAREAION EATON-Director of Clinical Education/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Alabama State University
M.S. University of Mobile
B.S. Auburn University

DAVID EAKES-Adjunct Medical Director, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.D. University of Mississippi
B.S. Millsaps College

MICHELLE ENGLAND-Dean, School of Education

Ed.D. University of the Cumberlands
Ed.S. Tennessee Technological University
M.Ed. Walden University
M.Ed. Tennessee Technological University
B.S. Tennessee Technological University

RACHEL ENIGK-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.S.M. Methodist University
B.S. Emory & Henry College

DAVID ERPENBACH-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.S. South College
B.S. University of Tennessee

BRIAN EVANS-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

M.S. South College
B.S. Tusculum College
A.S. Roane State Community College

TIFFANT FERENCZ-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Liberty University
M.A. Wheaton College
B.A. The University of Georgia

GARRETT FAUGOT-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.M.S. Midwestern University
B.S. Louisiana State University

CHANDRA FELTON-Faculty, Department of Health Science (Online)

Ph.D. Walden University
M.S. Georgia State University
B.A. University of West Georgia

JOHN FERGASON-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

B.A. California State University

MARY-CATHERINE FERGUSON-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. Arizona State University
B.S. Tusculum College
A.S. Roane State Community College

TRACI FLEWELLEN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Troy State University
B.S. Columbus State University

CHERI FLYNN-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

J.D. University of Tennessee
M. ACC. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

TIM FLYNN-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. The Penn State University
M.Sc. Michigan State University
B.S. Marquette University

TIFFANY FORE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. National University
B.A. Indiana University
B.A. Bethel College

ALEXANDRA FUTTRELL-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Simmons College
B.A. Belmont University

WENDY GABRIEL-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm. D. University of Tennessee

CHRISTOPHER GARNER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.M. University of Tennessee
M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

ROBERTA GATLIN-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.Sc. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. Memphis State University

CHRISTINE GEE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Western Governors University
M.A. National University
B.S. Virginia Commonwealth University

BILL GENTRY-Dean, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. Campbell University
B.A. Carson-Newman College

YONAS GETAHUN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Troy University
M.S. Addis Ababa University
B.A. Bahirdar University

JAMIE GILES-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Lincoln Memorial University
M.S. Vanderbilt University

TIMOTHY GILL-Faculty, Department of Health Science (online)

M.S. Robert Morris University
B.S. Slippery Rock University

STACEY GIVENS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

NIYAH GLOVER-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Keiser University
M.A. University of the Rockies
B.A. Ashford University

SARA GOLDBERG-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.Ed. Florida Atlantic University
B.A. Florida Atlantic University

SUSAN GOODALL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Frontier Nursing University
B.S. Johns Hopkins University

SEAN GRIER-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University
M.S. University of Cincinnati
M.Div. Liberty Theological Seminary
B.S. Liberty University

DENISE GRIFFIN-ACCE, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

B.S. University of South Alabama
B.A. University of Tennessee

LOUISE GROTH-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

D.H.S. Nova Southeastern University
M.S. University of St. Francis
B.S. University of Tennessee
A.S. Walters State Community College

CHRISTOPHER GUIDO-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. University of Central Florida
B.A. Florida Gulf Coast University

SARA GUNKEL-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Capella University
M.A. Southern New Hampshire University
B.A. Robert Morris University

CAROL GUTHRIE-Faculty, Department of General Education and School of Legal Studies

J.D. University of Tennessee
Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.A. University of Tennessee
B.A. Berry College

STEVEN GUY-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Keiser University
M.S. Keiser University
B.A. University of Florida

CALE HALL-Faculty, Department of General Education/School of Business & Technology

D.B.A. South University
M.B.A. South University
B.B.A. South University

NORMAN HAMMITT-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. East Tennessee State University

REBECCA HANCOCK-Faculty, School of Business and Technology (Online)

M.Acc. University of Texas El Paso
B.B.A. University of Texas El Paso

ANN HARRIS-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph. D. University of Kentucky
M.S. Eastern Kentucky University
M.A. Marshall University
B.S Eastern Kentucky University

MARTHA HARRIS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. King University
B.S. King University

SARAH HARRISON-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. University of Washington
B.A. Western Washington University

TARA HARTENFELS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Academy of Art University
B.A. Bloomsberg University

VICTORIA HEADRICK-Faculty, School of Education

Ph.D. Trevecca Nazarene University
Ed.S. Tennessee Technological University
M.S. Lincoln Memorial University
B.S. Maryville College

JILL HEANEY-Faculty, Department of General Education

D.B.A. Argosy University
M.S. Dunquesne University
B.A. Michigan State University

HEATHER HENSLEY-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Tennessee Technological University
B.S. Tennessee Wesleyan University

JEREMY HOCKETT-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. University of New Mexico
M.A. Michigan State University
B.A. Michigan State University

SARA HOLLAND-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

CODY HOLTRY-Faculty, Department of Surgical Technology

B.S. Southern New Hampshire University
A.S. McCann School of Business & Technology

TERESA HONEYCUTT-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

LORENA HOPPER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Arizona State University
B.S. Baptist School of Health Sciences
B.S. University of Mississippi

ERICA HUBER-Faculty, Department of Science

D.P.T. Arcadia University
B.A. Binghamton University

LINDSEY HUGHEY-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. University of the Sciences
B.S. University of the Sciences

KIRSTEN JACKSON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. King University
B.S. King University

VINCENT JEEVAR-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Grand Canyon University
M.S. Grand Canyon University
B.S. Grand Canyon University
B.C.B.A. 4
th Edition Task List, Brandman University

JENNIFER JENKINS-Dean, School of Legal Studies

J.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of New Hampshire

KENETRA JONES-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Southern University and A&M College
B.S. Grambling State University

MICHAEL JONES-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. MGH Institute of Health Professions
M.S. University of Indianapolis
B.S. Indiana University
B.A. Purdue University

ROBERT JONES-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Binghamton University
B.A. East Stroudsburg University

WHITNEY JONES-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.A. University of Central Arkansas
B.A. University of Central Arkansas

MARY SUE KELLY-CAGLE-Faculty, School of Education

Ph.D. University of Alabama
Ed.S. Tennessee Technology University
M.S. Tennessee Technology University
B.S. Tennessee Technology University

IVAN KENNEDY-Faculty, Department of Imaging Science

B.S. Weber State University
A.A.S. East Tennessee State University
Certified Radiology Practitioner Assistant

KARMON KINGSLEY-Chair, Department of Medical Assisting

B.S. Weber State University
A.A.S. East Tennessee State University
Certified Radiology Practitioner Assistant

BRITTANY KILBURN-AFWC/Faculty, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Milligan College
B.I.S. East Tennessee State University

SHERRY KING-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Western Governors University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

KATIE KISER-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of North Carolina
B.S. King College

JEANEEN KISH-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Slippery Rock University
B.A. Slippery Rock University

EYTAN KLAUSNER-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. Hebrew University of Jerusalem
B.Pharm. Hebrew University of Jerusalem

CHRISTIELYNN KONOPKA-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Robert Morris University
M.S. Robert Morris University
B.A. University of Pittsburgh

CAITLIN KOTHE-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Washington University
M.S. Colorado State University
B.S. University of Miami

ALEX KOZALINSKI-Assistant Dean/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University
D.P.T. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
M.S. Grand Valley State University
B.S. Grand Valley State University

CAITLIN KOTH-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Washington University
M.S. Colorado State University
B.S. University of Miami

CHRISTINA KOTOSKE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. University of South Carolina
B.A. Queens University of Charlotte

MONICA KROGMANN-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Arcadia University
M.A. University of Central Florida
B.S. University of Florida

EMILY KUDEVIZ-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Pennsylvania State University
M.A. Clemson University
B.A. University of South Carolina

KRISTINA KUSHNIR-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

Ph.D. University of Utah
M.S. University of Alaska
B.S. Novosibirsk State University

LAUREN LADD-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

KELLI LANGAN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Pittsburg State University
B.S. Pittsburg State University
Ph.D. University of Arkansas

BILLY LAROY-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.H.SC. Nova Southeastern University
B.S.H.S. East Tennessee State University
Certificate of Nuclear Medicine Technology University of Tennessee
Certificate of Radiologic Technology University of Tennessee

KIMBERLY LAY-Associate Program Director, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.P.A.S. University of Nebraska
B.S. University of Saint Francis
B.S. Western Michigan University

RACHEL LAZIM-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

Pharm.D. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
B.S. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

BRETT LEGAULT-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Lesley College
B.A. Plymouth State University

GARY LETHCO-Medical Director, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.D. University of Tennessee
B.A. University of Tennessee

JENNIFER LIGHT-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.Sc. South College
B.S. University of Tennessee

CARRIE LINK-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.Ed. Liberty University
B.S. Old Dominion University

JO LOBERTINI-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. East Tennessee State University
M.A. East Tennessee State University
B.A. University of Tennessee

MADISON LOPEZ-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. University of Tennessee
M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. South College

CHRISTINE LORD-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

J.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. Bryn Mawr College

HOLLY LOWE-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. East Tennessee State University

CAROLINE MALONE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. Bennington College
B.A. University of Tennessee

KAREN MARK-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. University of Nebraska
B.S. University of Nebraska
B.S. Winona State University

KAREN MARSH-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. University of Texas Health Science Center
B.S. University of Texas Health Science Center
A.A.S. Genesee Community College

MICHAEL MARTICEK-Faculty, School of Business & Technology

D.B.A. Walden University
M.B.A. Strayer University
B.S. Robert Morris University

JOSHUA MASTIN-Faculty, Department of Science

M.D. University of Tennessee
B.A. Vanderbilt University

ANGELA MACCABE-Director of Curriculum/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. University of South Dakota
D.P.T. University of South Dakota
B.S. University of Health Sciences

BELINDA MCCALL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Virginia

JACK MCCANN-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

Ph.D. Capella University
M.A. Tusculum College
M.S. Golden Gate University
B.B.A. Eastern Kentucky University

STEPHEN MCDAVITT-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. MGH Institute of Health Professions
M.S. Boston University
B.S. Boston University

MIKE MCTAGUE-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. EIM Institute of Health Professions
M.P.T. Saint Francis University
B.S. Saint Francis College

PATRICK MENSAH-Faculty, School of Business & Technology

Ph.D. Colorado Technical University
M.S.IT. Colorado Technical University
B.S.C. University of Phoenix

JENNIFER MERRITT-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University
M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of Phoenix

EMILY MESSER-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. King University
B.S. Carson Newman College

ED MICHAUD-Director of Genetic Sciences, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.S. Texas A&M University
B.S. University of Central Florida

HANNAH MILLER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. University of California
B.A. Bard College

MICHAEL MILLER-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

Ph.D. University of Central Florida
M.A. University of Central Florida
B.A. University of Central Florida

PAUL MILLER-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Ph.D. Vanderbilt University
B.A. University of Alabama Birmingham

SHEENA MILLER-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Indiana Wesleyan University
B.S. Indiana Wesleyan University

CARRIE MINAHAN-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. The Sage Colleges
M.S. Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions
B.S. University of Vermont

NICOLE MIRANDA-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Regis University
M.P.T. Hahnemann University
B.A. Bucknell University

CAMERON MOLIDOR-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. San Francisco Art Institute
B.A. California State University Northridge

JEFF MOORE-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
B.S. Colorado State University

SHARON MOORE-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. Carson Newman

TAMITHA MOORE-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. South University
B.S. South College

PAIGE MORABITO-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Walden University
M.Ed. University of South Florida
B.A. Stetson University

DIANE MOREL-Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Assessment, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University
M.S. Case Western Reserve University
B.A. Rutgers University

MELISSA MOREY-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.P.A.S. University of Kentucky
B.A. Morehead State University
A.S. Morehead State University
Certificate Thomas Jefferson University

CHODAESESSIE IRENE MORGAN-Chair, Department of Science (Online)

Ph.D. University of South Florida
M.P.H. University of South Florida
B. Sc. University of Sierra Leone

BLAKE MORRIS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

HELEN MORROW-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S.T. Portland State University
B.A. University of Tennessee

NICOLE MURRELL-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

B.S. Tusculum College
A.A.S. Walter State Community College
Radiography Certificate University of Tennessee

CHRISTINA MYERS-Assistant Director of Clinical Education/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
M.P.T. Elon College
B.S. Southern Adventist University

OBINNA NDUBUIZU-Faculty, Department of Science

M.D. Case Western Reserve University
Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University
B.S. University of Maryland Baltimore County

BRENDA NORDSTROM-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Indiana Wesleyan University
M.S. Western Governors University
B.S. Western Governors University

HANNAH NORTON-Director of Clinical Education/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
M.P.T. University of Mississippi Medical Center
B.S. Mississippi University for Women

TIM NOTEBOOM-Dean, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. University of Colorado
M.S. University of Kentucky
B.S. University of North Dakota

JESSICA NOWACKI-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Duquesne University
M.A. Duquesne University
B.S. Grove City College

KYLE OCHSENBEIN-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

J.D. Lincoln Memorial University
B.S. Tennessee Technological University

TONYA OLSON-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

D.P.T. Evidence in Motion
M.S. Medical University of South Carolina
B.A. Purdue University
A.S. Duluth Technical College

LINDSAY OMEIRS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. California State University
B.S. California State University

MICHAEL O’NEIL-Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of North Carolina

ERNEST ORELLI-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. California University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Thiel College

JOHNSON OWUSU-AMOAKO-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

D.B.A. Sacred Heart University
M.B.A. Morgan State University
M. Eng. University of Idaho
M.S. Technical University of Delft
B.S. University of Science and Technology

THARINIA OYEGUN-Faculty School of Legal Studies

Ph.D. Capella University
M.S. National University
B.S. California State University

LAURA PANTOJA-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Tennessee Technological University
B.S. Lincoln Memorial University

NATALIE PARKER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. East Carolina University
B.S. Georgia Southern University

SHIVANI PATEL-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. South College

ANNE PETRELLA-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Youngstown State University
B.A. Thiel College

ANN PHARR-Assistant Director of Clinical Education/Faculty, Schools of Physical Therapy

Sc.D. Texas Tech University
M.S. Texas Woman’s University
B.A. Baylor University

KANDI PITCHFORD-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

P.H.D. University of Tennessee
M.H.E. Idaho State University
B.S. Humboldt State University

PACE PORTER-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

M.B.A. University of West Florida
B.S. Mississippi State University

ERIN PRESSLEY-Director of Didactic Education, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.S. South College
B.A. University of South Florida

CARSON PREVATTE-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. Tennessee Technological University

ELISSA PUGH-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Belmont University
B.A. Sweet Briar College

JESSICA PURVIS-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. Palmer College of Chiropractic
B.S. University of Florida
A.A. Northwest Florida State University

ARIF RAFAY-Program Director, School of Computer Science & Engineering

M.Sc. University of New Brunswich
B.E. National College of Engineering & Technology, Karachi

VERONICA RAMSUNDAR-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

D.B.A. Argosy University
M.S. Mercy College
B.S. Florida International University

SHARON RANDOLPH-Faculty, School of Legal Studies

M.S. Florida International University
B.A. University of South Florida

DON REAGAN-Chair, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

D.P.T. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
B.S. Liberty University

CRAIG REID-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S, Western Illinois University
B.A. Western Illinois University

KEISHA REID-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Florida State University
M.S. Florida State University
B.S. Florida State University

SARA REINOSA-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. California State University
B.S. California State University

BREANNA REYNOLDS-Director of Research and Assessment/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University
D.P.T. Ola Grimsby Institute
B.S. Bradley University

TONYA REYNOLDS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Western Governors University
B.S. Western Governors University

KIMBERLY RICE-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Capella University
M.S. Tennessee State University
B.S. Tennessee State University

LAUREN RICHARDSON-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.S.P.A. Trevecca University
B.S. Freed-Hardeman University

BILLY J. ROBERTS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.B.A. University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
B. A. Tusculum College

TRUDI ROBERTS-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

B.S. South College
A.A.S. Roane State Community College
Certificate in Diagnostic Medical Sonography Chattanooga State Community College

Certified RDMS, RVT, RDCS(AE)

TERESA ROBINSON-Faculty, School of Education

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.S. Lincoln Memorial University
B.S. University of Tennessee

JASON RODEGHERO-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
D.P.T. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
M.P.T. Bradley University
B.E.S. Truman State University

MARIE ROGERS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Chapman University
B.A. Chapman University

TANIA ROMERO-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.Phil. Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts
M.A. University of Texas
B.A. Bryn Mawr College

DAVID ROSS-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Walden University
M.A. Montclair State University
B.A. Montclair State University

ERICA ROWE-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. East Tennessee State University

DERRICK RUFFIN-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Nova Southeastern University
M.S. Nova Southeastern University
M.S. Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Cheyney University of Pennsylvania

MATTHEW RUSSELL-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

CONNIE RUST-Assistant Dean of Student Services/Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.S.S.W. University of Tennessee
B.Pharm. University of Tennessee

AHMED SABBAHI-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago
M.A. Columbia University
B.S. Cairo University

NATHAN SAND-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. North Dakota State University
B.A. College of Saint Scholastica

GREGGY SANTOS-Faculty, Department of Science (Online)

Ph.D. University of Houston

KELLY SATTERFIELD-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

M.A. Tusculum College
B.S. Tusculum College

LAURA SCHALLIOL-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. Ferris State University

BRITTANY SCHMIDT-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. The Ohio State University
B.S. The Ohio State University

MEGAN SCHROEDER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.Ed. University of West Florida
B.A. Florida Atlantic University

JILL SEALE-Director of Curriculum/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. Texas Woman’s University
M.P.T. University of Texas
B.S. Texas A & M University

JOHN SINCLAIR-Faculty, Department of General Education and Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

TIFFANY SKINNER-Associate Dean, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. East Tennessee State University

TIMOTHY SMITH-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. Tennessee Technological University

A. NIKKI SOWARDS-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

MICHAEL SPADAFORA-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

M.S. Shenandoah University
B.S. University of Tennessee

CHERYL SPARKS-Director of Research & Assessment/Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University
D.P.T. St. Ambrose University
B.S. Bradley University

JESSICA SPOONS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Frontier Nursing University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

CAITLIN STOWE-Faculty, Department of Science

M.P.H. University of South Florida

MICAH STRAWN-Faculty, School of Computer Science & Engineering

Ms.EE. North Caroline State University
B.S. Grantham University

ANGIE SULLIVAN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Purdue University
B.A. Purdue University

DAWN SULLIVAN-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

Ph.D. Capella University
M.S. Capella University
B.S. Capella University

JEFFERY SWORDS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. University of West Florida
M.S. Troy State University
B.S. Valdosta State University

LISA TEITLER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Virginia Commonwealth
B.A. Florida State University

BRADFORD THOMPSON-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Jacksonville State University
B.S. University of North Alabama

ANDREW TOHLINE-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Ohio University
M.A. Ohio University
B.A. University of Missouri

LAURA TOLLIVER-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Vanderbilt University
M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. Austin Peay State University

JOSEPH TORRES-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Regent University
M.S. California Southern University
B.S. University of Phoenix

NANCY TOSH-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. University of California
M.A. University of South Florida
B.A. University of Cincinnati

ANDREA TRAPP-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Union Institute & University
M.A. University College London
B.A. University of Cincinnati

TERESA TREADWAY-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of St. Francis
B.S. University of Tennessee

KAY TRIGIANO-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. North Carolina State University
B.S. North Carolina State University

EMILY TUCKER-Chair, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Capella University (Dec 2020)
M.S. Western Governor’s University
M.S. Western Governor’s University
B.A. Maryville College

FRANCES TURNBELL-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Vanderbilt University
M.A. Vanderbilt University
B.A. Texas A&M University

MARISSA TURNER-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.S. South College
B.S. Carson Newman University

DAVID UNGER-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Ph.D. University of Kentucky
M.S. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
B.S. Eastern College

RUTH VALLE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of Tennessee

ELISE VANDAMIA-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Argosy University
M.S. Gannon University
B.A. Penn State University

VALERIE VANN-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

D.B.A. Argosy University
M.A. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of Phoenix

KEITH WADE-Chair, School of Business & Technology

D.B.A. Argosy University
M.B.A. University of Detroit
B.A. Oakland University

ANDY WALDHELM-Faculty, School of Physical Therapy

Ph.D. Louisiana State University
M.P.T. Nova Southeastern University
B.S. Baylor University

CARLA WALKER-Chair, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.R.S. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
B.S. University of Saint Francis
A.A.S. Roane State Community College

MAYLON WALKER-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. American Intercontinental University
M.I.T. American Intercontinental University
B.S. University of North Georgia

DONNA WALLACE-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. University of South Alabama
M.S. University of South Alabama
B.S. Tennessee Wesleyan University

MELINDA WANG-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Tennessee
B.S. University of California

MARK WANKEL-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. University of Tennessee
B.A. Emory and Henry College

ERNIE WEEKS-Faculty, School of Business and Technology

M.B.A. New York University
M.S.P. University of Tennessee
B.A. University of Tennessee

CATHERINE WHITE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.B.A. University of Phoenix
B.S. Elmhurst College

JOSEPH WILLIAMS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.Div. Andrews University
M.S. Grand Canyon University
B.A. Ministerial Theology

TERRELL WILLIAMS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Florida State University
B.S. Florida State University

ANGELIA WILSON-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. Academy of Art University
B.A. Webster University

ED WISE-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.P.H. University of Tennessee
B.H.S. Duke University
B.A. Washington and Jefferson College

GREGORY WOODS-Faculty, Department of Science (Online)

M.H.A. A.T. Still University
B.A. Emory & Henry College

AARON WOODYATT-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. National University of Health Sciences
B.S. National University of Health Sciences

ZHIHONG XU-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Ph.D. Duke University
Ph.D. Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
M.S. Shanghai Medical University
B.S. Anhui University of Chinese Medicine

DON YAGER-Associate Dean/Program Director, School of Physician Assistant Studies

D.H.Sc. Nova Southeastern University
M.P.A.S. University of Nebraska
B.S. Alderson-Broaddus College
B.S. Old Dominion University
A.S. George Washington University

JANET ZELLMANN-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. Duquesne University
M.A. Slippery Rock University
B.A. Westminster College

KIMBERLY ZITKO-Faculty, School of Pharmacy

Pharm.D. The University of Toledo
B.S. The University of Toledo

Faculty (Asheville)

CATHERINE ALEXANDER-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. Appalachian State University
B.S. Appalachian State University

LAILA ALJASEM-Chair, Department of Science

DR.P.H. Johns Hopkins University
M.P.H. Emory University
M.D. Cairo University Medical School

JULIE ANN BELL-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Gardner-Webb University
M.S. University of Minnesota
B.S. University of Minnesota

CATHY BICKERTON-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.S. Carlow University
B.S. Alderson-Broaddus College

CHRISTINA BROOKS-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

Post-Baccalaureate Certificate School of Physical Therapy Children’s Hospital
B.A. San Francisco State University

MATTHEW BURLESON-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Western Carolina University
ACS Certificate Western Carolina University

FELICIA CARTER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A.Ed. Western Carolina University
B.A. University of North Carolina, Asheville

CAROLINE COLBURN-Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Eastern Kentucky University
B.S. University of Kentucky

TAYLOR CONN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Appalachian State University
B.S. Appalachian State University

CAROLINE CRAWFORD-Faculty, Department of Imaging Science

A.A.S. AB Technical Community College

RUSS DAILEY-Chair, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

D. H. Ed. A.T. Still University
M.S.M. Trevecca Nazarene University
B.A. Brigham Young University

PAMELA DEMENT-Chair, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

M.A.S. John Hopkins University
B.S. University of Delaware

EDWARD DONNELLY-Faculty, Department of Legal Studies

J.D. Suffolk University School of Law
M.A.U.S. Army War College
M.P.A. University of Missouri Kansas City
M.A. U.S. Army Command General Staff College
M.A. Webster University

VERONICA EDWARDS-Faculty, School of Business & Technology

M.A. Georgia Southern University
B.S. University of North Carolina Charlotte C.P.A.

KAYLAN FRANKLIN-Chair, Department of Surgical Technology

A.A.S. Blue Ridge Community College
Certificate Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

WENDY FRYE-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Western Carolina University
M.A.Ed. Western Carolina University
B.S. David Lipscomb University

CHRISTINE GEYER-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Capella University
B.S. Winston-Salem State University
A.S. Daytona State College

JENNIFER GREGORY-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Queens University of Charlotte
B.S. Western Carolina University
B.S. Wingate University
A.S. Southwestern Community College

ANNETTE GUY-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of North Carolina Wilmington
B.S. Gardner-Webb University
A.A.S. Southwestern Community College

TRESSA HAYES-Chair, Department of Legal Studies

J.D. University of South Carolina School of Law
B.A. University of South Carolina
A.A. Saint Mary’s College

JESSICA HARRIS-Faculty, Department of Surgical Technology

Certificate South College Asheville

MARY HAYS-Faculty, School of Nursing

MSN Western Carolina University
BSN Western Carolina University
ASN Chipolata Junior College

ELIZABETH HANKLEY-Faculty, School of Nursing

B.S. University of Tennessee, Memphis

ELIZABETH NICOLE HENSLEY-Faculty, School of Nursing

B.S. South College
A.A.S. South College

SUSANA HILDERBRAND-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. North Carolina Central University
B.S. Food Science Engineering

JUDITH JAMES-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

D.M.S. Lincoln Memorial University
M.H.S. South College
M.B.A. University of Alabama
B.S. University of Alabama

JIS JOE-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. University of New Hampshire
M.B.A. Madurai Kamaraj University
B.Sc. Mahatma Gandhi University

NICOLE JONES-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Purdue University Global
B.S. Kaplan University
A.S. Haywood Community College

SIMEON KUIC-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. Sherman College
B.A. University of South Carolina

MAUREEN LAMBERT-Chair, Department of General Education

M.A. Colorado State University
B.S. University of Kentucky

ROBYN LEDINGTON-Chair/Practicum Coordinator, Department of Medical Assisting

M.S. Walden University
B.S. Walden University
A.A.S. South College
A.A. Paco-Hernando Community College

STEVEN LUKE-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Valdosta State University
B.A. Valdosta State University

ELLIOTT LUNSFORD-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Western Carolina University
B.S. Western Carolina University

MICHAEL MASHBURN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Western Carolina University
B.A. UNC Asheville

LYNX MCCLELLAN-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.S. University of Alabama Birmingham
M.S. Georgia State University
B.S. University of Texas Health Science Center Houston
Diploma Lakeview College of Nursing
A.S. Danville Area Community College

KRISTY MICHAEL-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

B.S. Bellevue University
A.S. Hillsborough Community College

AARIN MILES-Faculty, Department of Legal Studies

J.D. Elon University
B.A. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

TIMOTHY NIHART-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Lindenwood University
B.A. Lindenwood University

MARY OGDEN-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. University of South Carolina
M.Ed. University of South Carolina
Certificate of Graduate Studies University of South Carolina
M.A. University of North Carolina-Wilmington
B.S. Presbyterian College

SHANNON PHILLIPS-Faculty, Department of Legal Studies

M.L. University of Alabama
J.D. University of Memphis School of Law
B.S. East Tennessee State University

PAMELA PRESCOTT-Faculty, Department of Medical Assisting

B.S. Southern NH University
A.S. Hesser College

JORGE REDMOND-Faculty, Department of Legal Studies

J.D. John Marshall School of Law
B.A. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

TIFFANY SALIDO-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

D.P.T. Western Carolina University
Ph.D. Wake Forest University
B.S. Vanderbilt University

WENDY SELIGMANN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.B.A. Old Dominion University
B.A. Earlham College

JULIE SMITH-Chair, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.S. Nova Southeastern University
B.S. Indian River State College

DINA STAINBROOK-Faculty, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Kaplan University
B.S. Kaplan University
A.S. Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

AARON TOMLINSON-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

M.S. Illinois State University
B.A. University of Northern Iowa
A.A.S. Indian Hills Community College

CHARLES TUCKER-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Gardner-Webb University
M.S. Gardner-Webb University
B.S. Western Carolina University

MICHELE WELLS-Faculty, Department of Imaging Science

M.S. Pfeiffer University
B.S. Pfeiffer University
Certificate Community Hospital School of Radiologic Technology

Faculty (Nashville)

HOLLY ADCOCK-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

B.S. University of Mississippi Medical Center
A.A.S. Hinds Community College

SHERRY BAILEY-Faculty, School of Nursing

F.N.P. Belmont University
M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. Austin Peay State University
A.S. Austin Peay State University

MATTHEW BAILEY-Chair, Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
B.A. Berea College

BLAKE BANCROFT-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. Austin Peay State University
B.A. State University of New York at Potsdam

CAANAN BLAKEMORE-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Maryville University
M.S. Maryville University
B.S. University of Texas at Arlington
A.S. Kilgore College

JASMINE BROWN-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. National University of Health Sciences
B.S. Ohio State University

STACEY BURT-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Trevecca Nazarene University
M.A.Ed. University of South Alabama
B.S. University of South Alabama

MEGAN CALDWELL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Vanderbilt University
B.S. Elon University

JENNIFER CARROLL-Chair, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.B.A. South College
B.A. Middle Tennessee State University
A.A.S. Volunteer State Community College

AMANDA CARTER-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Olivet Nazarene University
B.S. Rockford University

SHIRLEY CHERRY-Program Director, Department of Imaging Science

Ed.D. East Tennessee State University
M.B.A. Kent State University
B.S. Salem University

DELICIA COUSIN-Chair, Department of Medical Assisting

B.S. Daymar College
A.S. Draghon’s Junior College

SARAH CURTIS-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.B.A. University of North Alabama
M.A. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

ERICA DANDRIDGE-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

B.S. Tennessee State University
A.A.S. Nashville Tech Community College

LINDSEY DILL-Clinical Coordinator, School of Nursing

M.S. Western Governors University
B.S. Western Governors University
A.S. Aquinas College

MARKIESHA EDGERTON-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. University of Cincinnati
M.S. Vanderbilt University
M.A. Bowling Green University
B.S. Barton College
B.S. High Point University

LAUREN ENGLAND-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

LAURA GARRETT-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. University of Alabama Huntsville
F.N.P. University of Alabama Huntsville
M.S. University of North Alabama
B.S. University of North Alabama
A.S. Union University

BROOKE GENTRY-Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Milligan College
B.S. Western Kentucky University

JACK GOBLE-Program Director, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.A Pennsylvania State University
B.A. University of Maryland

SAMANTHA HARRIS-Chair, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

D.P.T. University of Kentucky
B.S. University of Kentucky

SARAH HARRIS-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. University of Memphis
B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

JANEAN HIGGINBOTHAM-LPN Coordinator & Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Walden University
A.S. Jersey College
LPN Certificate Florida Community College

SARAH HINES-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. Texas State University
B.S. Stephen F. Austin State University

SAMUEL HOOK-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. Murray State University
B.F.A. Murray State University

JULIE HOLT-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

A.S. Volunteer State Community College

JASON HUDDLESTON-Director of Clinical Services, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

M.P.A. University of Florida
B.S. Carson Newman College

TAMMY HUTCHINS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.A.A.S. University of Texas
A.S. Kilgore College
A.S. University of Central Missouri

DANIELLE JONES-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. Life University
B.S. Auburn University

NELLY KANEZA-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. University of Alabama
B.S. Birmingham-Southern College

KAILEE KELL-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

A.A.S Baker College

BONIFACE KIMATHI-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Tennessee State University
M.S. Tennessee State University
B.S. Egerton University

KATERI KLESYK-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

M.S. University of Bridgeport
B.S. University of Bridgeport
A.S. Briarwood College

DENISE KOCH-Chair, Department of Dental Education

D.D.S. Loyola University
B.S. St. Xavier University

HEATHER KNOUFF-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. Elmhurst College

LISA KOCAK-Faculty, Department of Medical Assisting

M.A. State University of New York, College at Binghamton
B.S. State University of New York, College at Cortland
A.A.S. Broome Community College

JOY LAROSA-Clinical Coordinator, Department of Science

D.P.T. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
B.S. University of Central Florida

JAMES LANE-Clinical Coordinator, Department of Imaging Science

M.B.A. East Tennessee State University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

MARY LECKRONE-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

B.S. Kaplan University

HEATHER LIVINGSTON-Clinical Coordinator, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Belmont University
B.S. Belmont University

JOHN LOWE-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Vanderbilt University
B.S. University of Arkansas

JEFFREY MACINTIRE-Medical Director, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

M.D. Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
D.V.M. University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine

CIERA MAJORS-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. Tennessee State University

CHAUNTEL MCNAIR-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. University of South Florida
M.S. University of Florida
B.S. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

NIQUIA MCKENZIE-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. Mississippi College
B. S. Tennessee State University

SARAH MCKINNEY-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

B.S. East Tennessee State University
B.S. Tennessee Technological University

CATHERINE MEEKS-Faculty, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Pharm.D. University of Tennessee, Health Science Center
B.S. Austin Peay State University
Certificate in Nuclear Medicine Technology, Vanderbilt University

KATRINA MILLER-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Alabama
B.S. Aquinas College
A.S. Aquinas College

REBECCA MOORE-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

D.P.T. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
M.P.T University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
B.S. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

RHONDA NELSON-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Meharry Medical College
B.S. University of Texas at Austin

ALICE NEWMAN-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. Lipscomb University

BERTIN NONO-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Tennessee Technological University
M.S. University of Yaounde I
B.S. University of Dschang

NWOSISI SOCHINWECHI-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Tennessee State University
M.S. University of Lagos
B.S. University of Lagos

LAURIE O’BRIEN-Faculty, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

B.S. University of Tennessee
A.A.S Nashville State Community College

HOLLY PAUL-Chair, Department of General Education

Ed.D. Trevecca Nazarene University
Ed.S. Middle Tennessee State University
M.A. University of North Alabama
B.S. University of North Alabama

JEFFREY PEACOCK-Director of Academic Curriculum, Department of Physician Assistant Studies

M.P.A. Nebraska Medical University
B.S. Liberty University

NATALIYA PIDKOCKA-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
M.S. Ivan Franko Lviv National University

TANYA RATTEE-Clinical Coordinator, Department of Imaging Science

B.S. East Carolina University
A.S. Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
LPN Certificate Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

MARGARET RAUSCH-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Syracuse University
B.S. Northern Arizona University

KELLY REICHART-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. University of Cincinnati
M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of St. Francis
A.S. St. John’s College of Nursing

TINA ROSETTI-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P American Sentinel University
M.S. Tennessee State University
B.S. Austin Peay State University

EMILY ROTICH-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Tennessee State University
M.S. Tennessee State University
B.Ed. Kenyatta University

LISA ROUSE-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

M.P.A. University of Nebraska
B.S. University of Nebraska
A.A.S. George Washington University
A.A. Chaminade University

KATHRYN SCOTT-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. Capella University
B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

DONNA SHASHLO-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

M.H.S.A. University of Michigan
B.S. University of Michigan

JOEL SHELTON-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.S. East Tennessee State University
B.S. East Tennessee State University

CLINTON SIMPLOT-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

D.P.T. Saint Ambrose University
B.B.A. University of Iowa

LYDIA SLEIGH-Faculty, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

B.S. Austin Peay State University
A.A.S Nashville State Community College

CHERI STOWELL-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Indiana University
B.S Ball State University

CYNTHIA SWANSON-Faculty, School of Nursing

B.S. Indiana Wesleyan University

CAROL THIGPEN-Faculty, School of Nursing

Graduate Certificate University of Florida
M.S. Delta State University
B.S. Delta State University

ASHLEY TINCH-Faculty, School of Nursing

Post Master’s Certificate, FNP, Tennessee State University
M.S. University of Phoenix
M.B.A. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of Tennessee

LAURA TOLIVER-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Vanderbilt University
M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. Austin Peay State University

MELISSA TYNDALL-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. Murray State University
M.A. Austin Peay State University
B.S. Austin Peay State University

PATRICIA WALKER-Faculty, Department of Dental Education

M.H.S. Nova Southeastern University
B.S. East Tennessee State University
A.A.S. Chattanooga State Community College

CHARITY WALL-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

B.S. Middle Tennessee State University

LESLEY WILLIAMS-JORDAN-Faculty, Department of Medical Assisting

B.S. Tennessee State University

MICHELLE WRAY-Faculty, Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant

M.S. Middle Tennessee State University
B.S. University of Tennessee at Martin
A.A.S Volunteer State Community College

BAGHAT YOUWAKEEM-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Walden University
B.S. Middle Tennessee State University
A.S. Tennessee State University

Faculty (Atlanta)

THOMAS ABELEW-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Ph.D. University of California Los Angeles
M.S. University of California Los Angeles
B.S. University of Oregon

MAUREEN AREH-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Graceland University
M.S. South University
B.S. University of Brenau

DEVINNA BAHADUR-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Maryland University
M.S. University of Mississippi Medical Center
B.S. University of Mississippi

KAREEN BLUE-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. East Carolina University
B.S. Fayetteville State University

LOIS BOREK-Faculty, Department of Science

Ed. D. Liberty University
Ed.S. Liberty University
M.S. Georgia State University
B.S. Georgia State University

CHRISTOPHER BRANDON-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Ph.D. University of Georgia
M.S. University of Georgia
B.S. University of Kentucky

GERMIKA BRANDON-Faculty, School of Nursing

Ph.D.c. Walden University
M.S. Walden University
B.S. Grambling State University

SADE BROWN-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Clark Atlanta University
M.S. North Carolina Central University
B.S. Winston-Salem State University

SHEENA BROWN-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Ph.D. Emory University
M.S. Emory University
B.S. Spelman College

JACQUELINE BURNETT-BROWN-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ph.D. East Northcentral University
M.S. Troy State University
B.A. Columbia College

SHANAAYH DELOATCH-Faculty, School of Nursing

B.S. Brookline College
B.A. Rutgers University

ANITA FREEMAN-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.H.S. St Francis University
B.S. Weber State University
A.A.S. Prince Georges Community College

MARY FOSS-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

Pharm.D. University of Minnesota
M.B.A. New England College

CARLOTTA GABRIELE-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Walden University
B.S. Georgia State University

SABRINA GARITY-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.F.A. The New School
B.F.A. University of North Carolina Wilmington

DANIELLE GARNER-Faculty, School of Nursing

B.S. Northeastern University

DANIELLE GOODWIN-Faculty, Department of General Education

Ed.D. University of Massachusetts Lowell
M.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
B.S. University of Maryland Eastern Shore

SHEENA GONZALEZ-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Villanova University
B.S. Villanova University

VELMA GORDON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of Phoenix
A.A.S. Broward Community College

SHUVORY GREEN-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Albany State University
B.S. Georgia Southwestern State University
A.A.S. Darton College

SARA HOFSTRA-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.M.Sc. Mercer University
B.S. Emory University

JENNIFER HOILMAN-Associate Dean, School of Nursing

Ph.D. Capella University
M.S. Walden University
B.S. Old Dominion University

XINRU HUANG-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Emory University
B.S. Shihezi University

XUEGANG JIA-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Southern Illinois University
M.S. Harbin Institute of Technology
B.S. Harbin Institute of Technology

SUSAN JOBE-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. South University
B.S. Clayton State University

TIFFANY JOHNSON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Brenau University
B.S. Clemson University

JEREMY KIRSCHNER-Chair, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

D.P.T. Medical University of South Carolina
B.S.Ed. University of Georgia

KRISTEN LANG-COLEMAN-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of Phoenix
A.A.S. Bishop State Community College

VONETTE LANIER-Faculty, Department of General Education

M.A. National University
B.A. Georgia State University

S. VICTORIA LOIGNON-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. Life University
B.A. University of Virginia

CHRISTINE MARICHOLI-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.S. South University
B.S. University of Pittsburgh

LAWANDA MARTINDALE-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Troy University
M.S. Indiana Wesleyan University
B.S. Indiana Wesleyan University
A.A.S. Ivy Tech Community College

CALVIN MAULDIN-Faculty, Department of Medical Assisting

M.P.H. East University of Alabama, Birmingham
B.S. University of South Alabama
M.A. Remington College

MARSHA GAIL-MCDONALD-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Walden University
M.S. D’Youville College
B.S. University of New Brunswick

SHARIF MORSALIN-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Morehouse School of Medicine
M.S. Georgia State University
B.S. Georgia State University

PATRICIA MULLINS-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.D. University of Massachusetts Medical School
B.A. Harvard University

LISA NEWBERRY-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.S. University of Georgia
B.S. University of Georgia
Certificate Emory University

JOANNE NICHOLS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. Northeastern University
A.A.S. Quincy College

MEGHAN PEARSON-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. Eastern Michigan University
B.S. Penn State University

TERRI PETERSON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Grand Canyon University
B.S. Kaplan University
B.S. Grand Canyon University
A.A.S. Craven Community College

RHONDA PUCKETT-Faculty, Department of Physical Therapist Assistant

B.S. Touro College
A.A.S. LaGuardia Community College

SUSAN QUIRK-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.H.S. Washburn University
B.S. Washburn University
A.A.S. Cuyahoga Community College

DANIELLE RICE-Faculty, School of Nursing

Ed.D. University of Alabama
M.S. University of Alabama
B.S. Tuskegee University

JENDAI RICHARDS-Faculty, Department of Science

Ph.D. Morehouse School of Medicine
B.S. Spellman College

TINA ROBERTS-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.H.A. University of Phoenix
M.S. Regis University
B.S. Purdue University

DENETRA ROBINSON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. South University
B.S. South University
B.A. Morgan State University
A.A.S. Georgia Perimeter College

KAREN ROTHSCHILD-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Alabama
B.S. Medical College of Georgia
B.B.A. Georgia State University

TANISHA ROUSE-Faculty, Department of Science

M.S. Tuskegee University
B.S. Tuskegee University

TSEDAY SAMUEL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of South Alabama
B.S. Pensacola Christian College

KADRIA SCOTT-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. Life University, Marietta
B.S. Spelman College

SANDRA SCOTT-Faculty, School of Nursing

D.N.P. Chamberlain University
M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. University of Phoenix

A.A.S. Queens Borough Community College

NATHAN SETKA-Faculty, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.S.P.A.S. University of Nebraska
B.S. Ball State University

TIA SOLH-Associate Program Director, School of Physician Assistant Studies

M.S.P.A.S. Wayne State University
B.S. Wayne State University

DONNA SPARROW-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

B.S. Armstrong State University/Georgia Southern University
A.A.S. Gwinnett Technical College

STEFANI SPRULL-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Alabama
B.S. Clemso

AYANA THORNTON-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. University of Phoenix
B.S. Georgia Southern University
B.S. Georgia Southern University

CAROLYN KISER WHITT-Faculty, Department of Imaging Sciences

M.S.A.H. East Tennessee State University
B.S. Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences
A.A.S. Southwest Virginia Community College

YVENA VINCENT-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Georgia State University
B.S. Georgia State University

TAMIKA WILLIAMS-Faculty, School of Nursing

M.S. Georgia State University
B.S. Columbus State University

DANIELLE WINFREY-Faculty, Department of Science

D.C. Life University
B.S. Spelman College