Feb 09, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 2 
2020-2021 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 2 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure, MEd

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The South College School of Education offers the Master of Education (MEd) in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure degree program. The MEd graduate program in Initial Licensure is a 60-quarter-hour program designed for individuals who have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution and who desire to become exceptional beginning instructional teacher leaders. The program is designed to be completed in 15 months. Completion of this graduate program leads to the initial license in Elementary Education (K-5) and the Master of Education (MEd) degree.

The curriculum extends candidates’ knowledge, skills, dispositions, and commitments as they study and apply effective practices of K-5 literacy, math, science, and social studies teachers. Candidates use research to support the development of teaching practices and engage in action research to determine the effectiveness of their pre-service teaching. Clinical field experiences enhance knowledge, skills, dispositions, and commitments by providing opportunities to experience and participate in multi-tiered RTI2 processes; diagnose, tutor, teach, and assess K-5 students; utilize technology for teaching and professional growth; assist classroom teachers; and analyze, assess, and reflect on videotaped teaching to develop written responses for reviewers. Candidates establish professional learning communities (PLC) and utilize data from those experiences to monitor professional growth. During their 16-week student teaching experience, candidates capitalize on action research to monitor and advance their content knowledge, instructional practices, knowledge of learners and learning, and professional responsibility to affect the success of all their students.

Program instructors work collaboratively to monitor candidates’ success with meeting learner outcomes prior to the clinical practice in student teaching. The final summative assessment each quarter integrates learning across all courses.

MEd candidates must successfully complete 60 hours of field experience prior to student teaching. Field Experience will be completed in the following courses: EDU 5030 , EDU 5040 , EDU 5060 , and EDU 5070 . MEd pre-service candidates must successfully complete 18 weeks of full-day clinical practice in student teaching placements in approved elementary schools. One placement occurs in a K-3 grade and the other in a 4-5 grade. Placements near the candidate’s residence are attempted but cannot be guaranteed. The first placement, Placement I, must be successfully completed with a grade of Pass, to receive approval to advance to Placement II. Placement II must be successfully completed, with a grade of Pass, to attain eligibility for recommendation for the initial teaching license in Elementary Education K-5 and conferring of the Master of Education degree.

The MEd in Initial Licensure program meets state and professional standards and supports local, regional, and national employment needs.

Professional/State Licensure

The Tennessee State Board of Education approves the South College School of Education to offer an elementary education program that leads to the initial TN Elementary Education K-5 license.  Bachelor’s and Master’s Elementary Education Initial Licensure students will be recommended for licensure in Elementary Education K-5 to the Tennessee State Department of Education only after being admitted to the Teacher Education Program, completing the required coursework, passing Tennessee’s licensure assessments, and completing student teaching.  The South College School of Education only recommends students for licensure in the state of Tennessee. 

Any individual desiring licensure in a state different from Tennessee, or any currently TN licenses teacher who desires to transfer his/her license to another state, should contact the Board of Education for that state.

Program Purpose and Candidate Learner Outcomes

The Master of Education in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure program is congruent with the School of Education mission to advance students’ professional growth and career opportunities and to cultivate their ability to think critically, to solve problems, to make informed decisions, to communicate and collaborate effectively, and to apply knowledge wisely. Through contemporary modes of delivery, the innovative and research-based content of academic programs exposes students to diverse perspectives and skills essential to independent and continuous learning.

The purpose of the MEd in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure program is to develop the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions and commitments of candidates to become exceptional beginning teacher instructional leaders. This purpose is designed to accomplish the mission of the School of Education (SOE) and is guided by institutional goals, research, TN Teacher Licensure Standards, TN Academic Standards, Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards, and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Standards.

The MEd in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure curriculum has specific work products, objectives, and assessments that provide evidence to support pre-service candidates’ achievement of program learner outcomes for their role as beginning exceptional in-service instructional teacher leaders for which they have been prepared.

The MEd curriculum has specific work products, objectives and assessments that provide evidence to support candidates’ achievement of the program learner outcomes for their role as exceptional beginning instructional teacher leaders for which they have been prepared. Candidates completing the MEd Elementary Education K-5 curriculum accomplish the following program learner outcomes. Candidates will

  1. demonstrate a commitment to inquiry that results in the use and generation of research (InTASC Standards 1,2,3,5, and 7).
  2. demonstrate content and professional knowledge and skill that supports the success of all students (InTASC Standards 1,2,3,4,5,6,7and 8).
  3. demonstrate professional dispositions and commitments (InTASC Standard 10).
  4. engage in assessment practices that assure the continuous growth of self and all students (InTASC Standards 6 and 9).
  5. utilize technology to ensure learning of all students and to advance professional growth of self and the learning community (InTASC Standards 5,7,8, and 9).
  6. work independently and collaboratively to support the success of all students (InTASC Standard 10).
  7. demonstrate professional communications skills (InTASC Standards 7 and 10).

MEd candidates participate in multiple assessments while enrolled in sequenced coursework over the 15-month program of study. MEd candidates demonstrate achievement of learner outcomes from various assessments coordinated in all courses.


The MEd in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure curriculum and program learner outcomes are aligned with state, national, and professional standards. In accordance with CAEP standards, student, pre-service candidate, and in-service candidate proficiencies are monitored and documented at four progression levels, also known as Stages, during and beyond teacher preparation that include Pre-Entry Student (Stage 1), Pre-Service Candidate (Stage 2), Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner (Stage 3), and In-Service Program Completer (Stage 4). Candidates must meet criteria at each of the first three stages/progression levels, as aligned with the INTASC Standards. As needed, students and pre-service candidates are afforded opportunity to remove an area of weakness, or deficiency, at any progression level by participating in an intervention plan with faculty recommendation.

Pre-Entry Student, the first progression level or Stage, begins with Pre-entry review and monitors candidates’ academic performance in quarter one of the program. During the first quarter of the program, students prepare to seek admission. Pre-Service Candidate, the second progression level or Stage, monitors academic performance across admission and candidacy competency categories and passing of required Praxis II exams as requirements for admission to clinical practice in student teaching. As of January 1, 2019, Candidates must pass the applicable two Praxis II exams prior to student teaching, and pass the state required edTPA portion upon completion of student teaching. Candidates not passing ALL PRAXIS II EXAMS CANNOT be admitted to Clinical Practice, Enhanced Student Teaching. Such candidates must apply for readmission to Clinical Practice and meet curriculum and edTPA requirements in place at that time for student teaching. Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner, the third progression level or Stage, monitors candidate performance during Placements I and II with emphasis on assuring pre-service candidate ability to impact the success of all students in accordance with TN DOE’s implementation of edTPA. Satisfactory completion of Stage 3 establishes eligibility for recommendation for the initial teaching license in Elementary Education K-5 and conferring of the MEd degree In-Service Program Completer, the fourth progression level or Stage, focuses on monitoring of in-service candidates’ effects on student achievement in their first three years of teaching. To earn the Master of Education degree in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure, candidates must complete all courses in the curriculum and all requirements and competencies specified in the first three progression levels or Stages.

The South College School of Education reserves the right to make immediate changes to the Teacher Education Program and the MEd Initial Licensure program as mandated by the TN Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) as both proceed in the next academic year to develop implementation policies and procedures of newly adopted standards.

Application, Admission, and Program Completion Requirements

According to state and national standards, different levels of assessment must occur throughout a program of study to inform candidates of their progress. MEd assessments begin with pre-entry admission assessment, continue throughout the program with quarterly course assessments and Stage 2 key assessments, and end with quarterly monitoring of cumulative grade point averages and individual course grades, prior to the Stage 3 clinical practice in student teaching. During clinical practice in student teaching, assessment of candidates continues to ensure that candidate performance positively impacts the learning of all students.

Pre-entry Graduate Applicant Assessment:
It is expected that all applicants will present a strong level of interest for becoming an exceptional beginning instructional teacher leader and demonstrate high capability for program success by satisfying pre-entry screening requirements that include the following:

  • complete a South College application;
  • provide 2 official transcripts from each regionally accredited institution of higher education attended for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees;
  • provide a letter of intent that explains why a K-5 initial license is a personal goal;
  • provide two completed recommendation forms from employers and/or professors who know your leadership potential;
  • satisfy cumulative Bachelor’s degree GPA of 2.75 or 3.0 in the second half of undergraduate coursework;
  • satisfy online course technology requirements;
  • complete online program orientation;
  • complete and submit a TBI Waiver;
  • complete TBI Fingerprinting & Criminal History Records Check; results required in SOE Admissions office prior to first enrollment in education courses;
  • attend the South College School of Education Orientation; and
  • complete course registration.

Graduate Admission Stage 1/Pre Stage 2 Assessment-Quarter One:
It is expected that all applicants will demonstrate high capability for program success by satisfying Quarter One Admission requirements that include the following:

  • provide evidence of liability insurance (e.g., STEA or P.E.T membership);
  • provide evidence of LiveText account;
  • achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00;
  • achieve a B, or better, for each course;
  • provide a third recommendation form completed by a School of Education faculty member;
  • successfully complete pre-Stage 2 Interview and required electronic portfolio artifacts; and Upon the successful completion of all requirements for Pre-Entry Student (Stage 1), candidates will be recommended for entry into the Pre-Service Candidate (Stage 2).

Pre-Service Candidate (Stage 2) must complete the following requirements to be admitted to Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner (Stage 3) and before starting student teaching:

  • Pass the following Praxis Exams:
    • Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (Test Code 5001 or can be taken individually using codes 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005)
    • Teaching Reading: Elementary Education (Test Code 5203)
  • Completion of Stage 2 Portfolio and presentation
  • Grade of B or higher in all coursework
  • Maintain a G.P.A of 3.0 or higher

Upon the successful completion of Pre-Service Candidate (Stage 2) requirements, candidates will be recommended for Pre-Service Clinical Practitioner (Stage 3).

Once admitted to Pre-Service Candidate (Stage 3) candidates must complete the following requirements to graduate:

  • Create a TN Compass account
  • Successfully submit and obtained a passing score on edTPA
  • Completion of Stage 3 portfolio and presentation
  • Completion and presentation of Action Research Project
  • Completion and presentation of Professional Development Project

Applicants interested in the Master of Education in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure program should be aware that all courses in the curriculum are required and must be completed at South College. The Master of Education program does not grant transfer credits, experiential learning, or advanced placement from another institution’s program.

Candidates who complete the Master of Education in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure program of study and who have successful completion of Stages 1, 2, and 3, pass all required praxis test, and obtain a passing score on edTPA will be recommended to the TN Department of Education for the initial teaching license in Elementary Education K-5 by the Dean of the School of Education.

Academic Standards, Candidate Progress, and Grading

Upon entering the graduate program, candidates are encouraged to confer with their Advisor as needed. Student and Pre-Service Candidates’ academic progress is monitored each quarter to ensure a cumulative GPA of 3.00, or better, with no grade lower than a B in each course. Designated SOE Advisors oversee each student’s and pre-service candidate’s academic record for all coursework at the end of each quarter and candidates not eligible for progression to the next quarter will be notified. If a student or pre-service candidate voluntarily withdraws from the program, a formal application for re-entry is required and program requirements in effect at that time must be met.

Student and Pre-Service Candidate deficiencies that may impact academic standing, which may include warning, probation, or dismissal from the program, are monitored by the Advisor.

Categories of Academic Standing for MEd Candidates are:

  • Good Standing: Status of a student or pre-service candidate who has met academic requirements in a satisfactory manner.
  • Warning: Status of a student or pre-service candidate whose academic performance places him/her in jeopardy of falling below the minimum stated grade point average.
  • Probation: This status is not an option for candidates in the MEd Initial Licensure program. Should a candidate’s academic performance fall below the minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and/or course grade(s) are lower than a B at the end of the quarter as established by the SOE Graduate Program Chair dismissal from the MEd program results. A student or pre-service candidate experiencing this situation would need to seek readmission to the program. A candidate is allowed only one readmission to the MEd program.
  • Dismissal: Action whereby a candidate will be dismissed from the MEd Initial Licensure program due to failure to adhere to academic and program requirements and/or policies or procedures as specified in the South College Catalog, the South College Student Handbook, the SOE Student Teaching Induction Manual, and/or the Graduate Program Handbook. The SOE Graduate Program Chair recommends dismissal and forwards the recommendation to the SOE Dean who after approval forwards the recommendation to the Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement and Effectiveness.

The causes of and consequences for receiving a Warning, Probation, or Dismissal are:


A candidate who receives a grade of less than a B on any key course assessment during the quarter receives a warning that work has not met the minimum performance and must confer with the course instructor, who keeps the Advisor apprised of the situation, to discuss a plan for future assignment improvement. As appropriate, candidates are provided a written intervention plan (developed by the course instructor in consultation with the Advisor) that details what actions must be taken in order to avoid not meeting the minimum requirement of a grade of B, or better, in any course. Successful course completion or satisfactory completion of the intervention plan is required before approval is granted for enrollment in coursework the following quarter. Candidates not meeting the minimum requirement of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a grade of B, or better, in each course will be dismissed from the MEd Initial Licensure program.

Warning for Deficiencies in Clinical Practice

A MEd Clinical Practice Student Teacher who receives an evaluation of less than Target on any key assessment, specifically mentoring teacher surveys and edTPA and TEAM Evaluation rubrics, in Clinical Practice receives a warning that work has not met the minimum performance and must confer with the Coordinator of Clinical Practice, who collaborates with the College Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher to establish an intervention plan, as appropriate, that details what actions must be taken in order to avoid not scoring below Target, the level needed to advance to the next Placement or to complete EDU 5095A  or EDU 5095B  or EDU 5099A  or EDU 5099B . Interventions during clinical practice in student teaching could EXTEND a candidate’s placement. Failure to successfully complete Placement I or Placement II will result in dismissal from the MEd Initial Licensure program. Such pre-service candidates may apply for readmission to Clinical Practice and meet curriculum and edTPA requirements in place at that time for the program and student teaching.

Warning for Dispositions Unbecoming of a Future Educator

MEd students or pre-service candidates who exhibit dispositions unbecoming of a future educator shall have a School of Education (SOE) recommendation form completed by a designated SOE faculty member. The recommendation form shall be provided to the student or pre-service candidate in a meeting regarding the disposition(s) issue(s), and a copy of the completed form shall be placed in the student or pre-service candidate’s file. Further dispositional issues exhibited by the student or pre-service candidate may lead to program Probation and/or Dismissal.


Action whereby a student or pre-service candidate will be dismissed from the Master of Education Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure program due to failure to adhere to academic and program requirements and/or policies or procedures as specified in the Graduate Program Handbook, the SOE Induction Manual, the South College Student Handbook, and/or the South College Catalog.

  • A student or pre-service candidate earns a grade lower than B in any course;
  • A candidate has a cumulative GPA of less than 3.00 at the end of any quarter;
  • A candidate fails to meet clinical practice course requirements in Placement I or in Placement II;
  • A candidate fails to meet professional standards as reflected in the Graduate Program Handbook, the SOE Student Teaching Induction Manual, South College Student Handbook, South College Catalog, state or federal law, or for dispositions unbecoming of a future educator, moral turpitude, unprofessional behavior, criminal activity, or other reasons as defined by South College;
  • South College reserves the right to dismiss at any time a candidate who, in its judgment, is undesirable and whose continued enrollment is detrimental to him/herself or his/her fellow candidates or whose presence is disruptive to the learning environment, or the orderly operation of the College.


Course instructors determine the final grade in all courses. Grades are based on the requirements of each course, attendance and participation, and a culminating project that serves as the final examination for all courses. Examples of assignments are written assignments, reading assignments, action research, presentations with use of technology, lesson plans, video-taped teaching episodes, discussion forums, dispositions and commitments journals, professional learning community meetings, personal profiles of performance records, and self-assessments. The weight or value of assignments is found on the course syllabus.

Letter Grade Q.P. Percentage Score Range
A 4.00 90-100%
B 3.00 80-89%

Candidates must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.00, or better, with no course grade lower than a B to remain in the MEd Elementary Education K-5 Initial Licensure program.

Academic Participation

The MEd in Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure program is a rigorous program of study that requires attendance in all class sessions, clinical field experiences, clinical practice seminars, and clinical practice student teaching. Classroom work is collaborative and interactive and requires active participation by students and pre-service candidates. As such, classroom work cannot be made up if missed. The attendance and participation policy stated on each course syllabus states that absence from class and other coursework can impact course grade.

Criminal Background Checks

Applicants must show evidence of a current TBI Finger-printing and Criminal History Records Check prior to first enrollment in quarter one coursework and prior to Admission to Clinical Practice Student Teaching.

Technology Requirements:

Access to Windows PC with Windows XP or higher Operating System or Mac OS X
Access to Microsoft Office 2007 or higher
Reliable High-Speed Internet Connection
A Compatible Web Browser (Firefox or Chrome preferred)
Optional Software: Adobe Reader

LiveText - Submission of Selected Course Assignments:

Each student must purchase a LiveText key code just like any other textbook available only in the South College Bookstore or online at livetext.com. Candidates must then use the code to register through South College. Candidates should use their first initial and last name or South College email username as their LiveText username and assign a meaningful password just like any other online account. This code will be active through the entirety of the student’s and pre-service candidate’s degree or licensure program. LiveText is used to submit key assessments through the MEd program of study. Students and pre-service candidates will be informed of artifacts that need to be submitted to LiveText.

Graduation Requirements

In order for a student to graduate from a graduate level program in the School of Education, the student must be in a good academic and professional standing, have had satisfactory progress in all quarters of the academic program, and satisfactorily complete the following:

  1. Successfully complete the required quarter credit hours of academic course work.
  2. Evidence a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above for the required coursework.
  3. Achieve a letter grade of “B” or better in all academic courses.
  4. Complete all required South College and Program documents in preparation for graduation.
  5. Pass required Praxis exams and edTPA.
  6. Honor all professional and financial obligations to South College.

South College reserves the right, and the student, by the act of matriculation, concedes to give South College the right to require withdrawal at any time the college deems it necessary to safeguard the standards of scholarship, conduct, and compliance with regulations, or for such other reasons deemed appropriate by South College as set forth in the South College Student Handbook and/or the South College Catalog.

Candidate Grievance Process

If a candidate wishes to make a formal complaint to deviate from established Graduate Education Policies as stated in the South College Catalog, the South College Student Handbook, the SOE Student Teaching Induction Manual, and/or the Graduate Program Handbook, the candidate is encouraged to discuss his/her concern with their Advisor. If satisfaction cannot be attained at this level, and the candidate wants to make his/her concern official, he/she must complete a Candidate Grievance Form. Every effort will be made to resolve the concern at the SOE level. If the grievance cannot be resolved at the SOE level, the candidate would assume responsibility for following the College’s grievance process outlined in the current South College Student Handbook available in the Director of Student Services office and on the student portal.

The MEd Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure degree program is currently offered at the Knoxville campus (Onground).

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