Sep 20, 2024  
2020-2022 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 3 
2020-2022 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 3 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Descriptions of Courses

South College courses are numbered according to the general level of instruction. Although there are exceptional cases, most one thousand level courses are considered first year undergraduate courses and two thousand level courses are considered second year undergraduate courses. Courses numbered at the 3000-4000 levels are upper division undergraduate courses. Courses assigned numbers at the 5000 level are considered master’s level courses. Courses assigned numbers at the 6000 level are considered educational specialist or doctoral courses. Courses are assigned letters according to the department in which they are taught and are listed in alphabetical order.

Contact/Credit hours for each course are indicated by the four-digit code located to the right of the course title. The first number indicates the minimum number of hours in lecture per week for the length of the course; the second and third numbers indicate the minimum number of hours in lab/internship/clinical/practicum/student teaching/fieldwork per week for the length of the course; and the last number indicates the number of credit hours earned for successful course completion. Please note that hours per week in each category will be modified for instances where classes are scheduled for periods other than the full quarter. One credit hour is generally equivalent to a minimum of 10 in class hours lecture/instruction, 20 hours in class lab, 30 hours internship/clinical/practicum/student teaching, or a combination. See Academic Information section for credit hour definition.

The type of courses offered include the following:

  • Onground Courses – A course in which all required course hours are delivered with instruction and interaction between the student and the instructor occurring in a physical classroom.
  • Web-Enhanced Courses – A course in which most course hours are delivered with instruction and interaction between the student and instructor occurring in a physical classroom and a small number of course hours delivered using distance learning delivery to enhance the onground interaction.  For example, for a course requiring 45 directed instruction hours, 40 hours would be completed onground and 5 hours online.   
  • Hybrid Courses – A course in which both the physical classroom and distance delivery are used to provide instruction and interaction between students and the instructor.  For example, for a course requiring 45 directed instruction hours, 20 hours would be completed onground and 25 hours online. 
  • Online Courses (Distance Learning) – A course in which distance delivery is used to provide instruction and interaction between students and the instructor. 

Academic offerings are subject to change at the discretion of the institution. Prerequisites may be waived with the dean’s/department chair’s permission.

South College reserves the right to cancel any scheduled class section if ten or fewer students are registered.



  • LGS 2020 Domestic Law

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    Examination of the subjects and preparation of documents for adoption, legal separations, divorce, marriage, annulments, and child visitation and custody will be made in this course. The student is prepared to assist in the interviewing of clients and the comparison of complaints and agreements.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 1011  or concurrent enrollment
  • LGS 2030 Estate Planning and Probate

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    In this course, students examine the transferring of assets, trusts, wills, gifts, administration of descendants’ estates under both the Uniform Probate Code and local law, federal and state taxes, and administrator’s responsibilities.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 1011  or concurrent enrollment
  • LGS 2050 Real Estate Law

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course develops the student’s understanding of ownership, deeds, mortgages, easements, landlord/tenant relations, liens, the role and purpose of the Register of Deeds’ office, and eviction procedures. An examination is made of the mechanics of transferring interest in real property.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 1011  or concurrent enrollment
  • LGS 2060 Legal Research & Writing II

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    LGS 2060 continues the study of legal research and writing. Particular emphasis is placed upon detailed research and writing of a memorandum of law and an appellate brief. The use of WESTLAW, CD-ROM, and other computer-based research tools is stressed in the course.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 1050  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 2070 Computers in the Legal office

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 1 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course introduces students to several of the uses of computer software in the law office including the following: drafting legal documents; legal timekeeping and billing; and database and spreadsheets in legal applications. It is recommended that students take this course when nearing completion of the major curriculum.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 1011  or concurrent enrollment
  • LGS 2100 Paralegal Internship

    Lecture: 0 Lab: 0 Practica: 4 Total Credits: 4
    In this course, students are given the opportunity to validate their skills through a 120-hour supervised, internship experience. Students are given the opportunity to work with private legal offices, government legal departments, or corporate legal departments where they perform the various responsibilities of the paralegal. Students must contact the Legal Studies Department Chairperson the quarter before enrolling in this course regarding approval of site selection and schedule. This course must be taken during the last quarter of enrollment unless permission from the Department Chair is granted.

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of Dean or Chair
  • LGS 3081 Legal Ethics

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    Ethical and professional issues faced by legal assistants and others in the legal environment are the focus of this course. Students are required to become familiar with existing and proposed ethical codes, standards, and guidelines and develop a framework from which to undertake the analysis of ethical dilemmas.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 3101 Constitutional Law

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course provides students with an introduction to the application and interpretation of the fundamental laws and principles related to the U.S. Constitution and its amendments. The course will emphasize judicial interpretation of the Constitution, the power and function of the government in general and individual rights.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better or approval of the Dean or Chair
  • LGS 3121 Evidence Law

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    The focus for this course is the rules of evidence at both the state and federal levels. Attention is given to the following: criminal and civil trials (including the functions of the judge and jury), real and demonstrative evidence, authentication and production of writings, witnesses (the examination, competency, and privileges), hearsay, impeachment, burden of proof, presumptions, and judicial notice.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better or with approval of Dean or Chair
  • LGS 3201 Bankruptcy Law

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course provides an overview of the federal bankruptcy law and rights of creditors and debtors. Emphasis is placed upon bankruptcy procedures in Chapter 7, 11, and 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Students are exposed to bankruptcy forms, collection letters, and UCC search and post-judgment collection documents including garnishment issues.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 3251 Criminal Procedures

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    Emphasized in this course is the examination of the history and philosophy of the criminal justice systems and procedures in the United States. Students will explore the legislative and constitutional framework for such systems including police, courts, and institutional corrections. The goal of the course is to provide the student with a broad perspective of criminal procedures in order to provide assistance to a legal team during these procedures.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better or with approval of Dean or Chair
  • LGS 3501 Employment Law

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course is designed to explore legal considerations that occur during various employment relationships. Emphasis will be placed on discrimination laws in the workplace, equal pay and comparable worth, occupational safety and health, worker’s compensation, disability law, employment privacy issues, and personnel issues relating to hiring and termination practices.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4051 Business Organizations

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course examines the legal aspects of forming, operating, financing, managing, and dissolving various forms of businesses including corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies. Emphasis is placed on appropriate and necessary documents and forms and filing requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4081 Intellectual Property

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course explores the areas of patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secrets and how they relate with antitrust law and government regulation. Topics include competition among businesses and protection of intellectual property in the global marketplace.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4101 Law and Technology

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of current legal issues related to the Internet and e-commerce. The course will draw upon a growing body of cyberlaw cases and commentary. Historical perspective and legal and ethical considerations related to computer technology will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4121 Special Topics in Legal Research

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    Exploration of historical and contemporary issues related to the legal profession is emphasized in this course through the advanced study of legal research methodology and legal analysis. As a capstone course, this course should be taken during the student’s final quarter.

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of Dean or Chair
  • LGS 4131 Advanced Civil Litigation

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course examines jury trials and the role of the attorney and paralegal. The course includes discussions regarding law, ethics, tactics, psychology, and skills. Students will be expected to draw on knowledge of substantive law, procedures, evidence, ethics, legal research and writing, trial law, and appellate procedure. This course enables students, under the supervision of an attorney, to interview clients and witnesses, conduct factual investigations, assist in the preparation of a civil and criminal case for trial, prepare direct examinations, cross examinations, opening statements, closing statements, and voir dire questions, assist in negotiations, and draft jury instructions. Students are encouraged to attend civil and criminal courts.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
    Suggested Prerequisite: LGS 3120
  • LGS 4201 Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course involves the study of procedural and substantive legal principles of alternative forms of dispute resolution. Students will explore procedures such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, fact finding, and grievance resolution in the both the private and public sectors.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4501 Administrative Law

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course presents basic concepts of administrative law and procedure among federal and state agencies. Topics include representing clients before administrative bodies, agency operation, adjudication, constitutional questions, statutory issues, and appeals. Students will learn both formal and informal advocacy techniques. This course will offer students an opportunity to bridge the theoretical frameworks associated with administrative law with a practical approach through preparation of related documents and forms.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4551 Environmental Law

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course is a thorough overview of the government systems that form environmental policy. The purpose is to give interested students a background in a number of federal environmental statutes, including CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act), ESA (Endangered Species Act), CWA (Clean Water Act), Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Clean Air Act. This course will provide students with a working knowledge of the laws that have the most practical significance for practicing environmental lawyers and their assistants.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  with a grade of C or better
  • LGS 4600 Legal Practicum

    Lecture: 0 Lab: 0 Practica: 4 Total Credits: 4
    In this course, students complete a 120-hour, supervised practical experience in a law firm, corporate legal department, or government entity. This experience provides the student with the opportunity to make a transition from classroom knowledge and theory to practical applications. This course is highly recommended for students who have never worked in a legal setting.

    Prerequisite(s): LGS 2100  and Approval of Dean or Chair
  • LGS 5111 Cyber Law and Compliance

    Lecture: 5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 5
    This course focuses on laws, policies, ethics, and compliance issues concerning information security. Students study how these apply to information collected and communicated on network systems and stored on digital resources. Topics include international security laws and legal principles, privacy, and compliance.

    Prerequisite(s): Program Admission
  • LGS 5400 Legal Aspects of Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines legal issues related to the effective management of public and private partnerships, corporations, and agencies. The topics to be examined include employment law, labor relations, discrimination, civil liability and vicarious liability. Emphasis is on current case law and legal decisions which effect successful and lawful management of employees.

  • MAS 1850 Medical Law and Ethics for Medical Assisting

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course is designed to facilitate student transition into the Medical Assisting profession through understanding of legal and ethical responsibilities of a healthcare professional. Included is a review of ethical principles and federal and state laws governing healthcare professions and systems. Concepts of rights, duties, barriers, opportunities, diversity, cultural disparity, liability, and risk management are discussed. Issues associated with professional organizations, certification, and licensure are examined.

  • MAS 1870 Pharmacology

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of safe and correct drug administration, including drug laws, principles of pharmacology, drug handling procedures, physician’s orders, charting, routes of administration, dosage calculation, and drug actions related to specific body systems and disorders.

    Prerequisite(s): AHS 1200  or BIO 1110 /BIO 1130 , with a grade of C or better
  • MAS 1890 Medical Office Administration

    Lecture: 2 Lab: 1 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course provides a competency-based approach to administrative office procedures as practiced in the physician’s office or ambulatory care facility. Students learn techniques, methods, and software systems relevant to patient reception, scheduling, and records management. Assessment of psychomotor skills and affective behavior competencies are a focus of this course.

  • MAS 1930 Medical Insurance and Diagnostic Coding

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course provides an overview of the various types of medical insurance and diagnostic and procedural coding for the medical office, including ICD-9, ICD-10, and HCPCS. Recommended

    Suggested Prerequisite: AHS 1010 , AHS 1200 
  • MAS 2010 Medical Assisting I

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 2 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 6
    This course introduces the student to basic medical and clinical laboratory skills. Competency-based principles and methods in venipuncture, capillary puncture, chemistry, urinalysis, and microbiology are learned. In addition, hematology, coagulation, and immunology relating to the role are emphasized. Assessment of psychomotor skills and affective behavior competencies are a focus of this course.

  • MAS 2015 Phlebotomy

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 2 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 6

    This course is designed to develop a basic knowledge and competencies related to collection of blood and non-blood specimens for human laboratory analysis. Emphasis is placed on ethics, legalities, medical terminology, safety and infection control, quality assurance, healthcare delivery systems, patient relations, anatomy and physiology, and specimen collection and processing. This course is designed to develop useful job-oriented skills and is a component of a formal phlebotomy training program that makes students eligible for a national phlebotomy technician certification examination.

  • MAS 2020 Medical Assisting II

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 2 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 6
    Medical Assisting II is designed to provide the student with both theory and practical application of basic and advanced clinical procedures, specialty examinations, emergency medical procedures, and diagnostic testing. Assessment of psychomotor skills and affective behavior competencies is a focus of this course.

    Prerequisite(s): AHS 1010 , AHS 1200 , MAS 2010 , all with grade of “C” or better; Must obtain CPR/First Aid Certification through American Heart Association by the end of the quarter.
  • MAS 2050 Medical Assisting Practicum

    Lecture: 0 Lab: 0 Practica: 6 Total Credits: 6
    During this 180-hour unpaid practicum experience, students will have the opportunity to validate their competencies to the medical community through a supervised practicum experience in both administrative and clinical skills. Students are not permitted to complete their practicum experience at their place of employment unless approval is received from the Medical Assisting Department Chair and any special specifications met. A student has only two opportunities to satisfactorily complete this course unless approval is received from the Medical Assisting Department Chair.

    Prerequisite(s): AHS 1010 , AHS 1200 , MAS 1890 , MAS 1930 , MAS 2010 , and MAS 2020  and approval from the Department Chair
    Co-requisite(s): MAS 1850 , SCC 2120 
  • MAS 2130 Diseases of the Human Body

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course introduces the mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment of common human diseases and cancers. Pathologies are identified by the impact on a single organ or systems and on the homeostatic balance between body systems. Inheritance, age-related differences, and prognosis or disability are described. Nutrition and disease prevention are featured.

    Prerequisite(s): AHS 1200  with a grade of C or better.
  • MAT 1000 Mathematical Concepts and Applications

    Lecture: 2 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 2
    This hybrid course explores operations with real numbers, expressions, equations, proportions, percentages, estimation, measurement, and various applications of these concepts.

  • MAT 1100 College Algebra

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course explores a variety of algebraic topics including linear equations and inequalities and their graphs, systems of linear equations and inequalities and their graphs, exponents and scientific notation, polynomials, factoring, radicals, quadratic functions, and practical applications.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 1000  with a grade of C or better or exemption
  • MAT 1200 College Algebra w/Statistics and Angles

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course explores a variety of algebraic topics including linear equations and inequalities and their graphs, systems of linear equations and inequalities and their graphs, exponents and scientific notation, polynomials, factoring, radicals, quadratic functions, and practical applications. This course will also focus on the metric system, basic principles of geometry, an intro to trigonometry including sine, cosine, tangent, Pythagorean Theorem, inverse-square law, and an introduction to probability, and statistics.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 1000  with a grade of C or better or exemption
  • MAT 2501 Statistics

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course is an introductory course that explores statistics and statistical inferences. Specifically, the course provides the students with basic statistical tools that are important to all fields of study. Topics covered include the proper use of statistics, the design of experiments, data analysis, probability distributions, and hypothesis testing.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 1100  with a grade of C or better
  • MAT 2551 Precalculus

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course helps prepare students for success in MAT 2601  Calculus. The topics covered in this course include polynomials, factoring, exponents, basic algebraic equations, inequalities, radicals, linear equations, quadratic equations, exponential & logarithmic functions, and trigonometry.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 1100  with a grade of C or better
  • MAT 2601 Calculus

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    The topics covered in this course include algebra, exponential logarithmic and basic trigonometric functions, techniques of differentiation and integration, and applications.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 2551   with a grade of C or better
  • MAT 2700 Discrete Mathematics

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course covers discrete structures that are used throughout computer science and information technology. Topics include logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on application.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 2501 
  • MAT 4010 Mathematical Concepts and Standards for the Child and Young Adolescent

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    Mathematical concepts and standards essential to knowledge and skills expected for K-5 students are examined along with practice in designing, implementing, and assessing instructional units/lessons reflecting a constructivist philosophy and accommodating diverse learning styles. Candidates demonstrate and apply understandings of major mathematics concepts, algorithms, procedures, applications and mathematical practices in varied contexts and connections with in and among mathematical domains. Candidates participate in five hours of classroom observation during this course.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program & Approval by Education Advisor
  • MAT 4020 Mathematical Thinking and Learning

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    MAT 4020 explores math mindsets of K-5 teachers and their students. Attitudes toward math and subsequent success in math are dependent upon how math is taught and learned. This course examines how K-5 students learn math based on brain research, and how math should be taught and assessed for success in math for all K-5 learners. Candidates also demonstrate and apply understandings of major mathematics concepts, algorithms, procedures, applications and mathematical practices in varied contexts and connections with in and among mathematical domains during the twenty-five hours of field experience.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 4010 , Admission to the Teacher Education Program & Approval by Faculty Advisor
  • MAT 5111 Probability and Statistics

    Lecture: 5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 5
    This course focuses on the mathematical foundations of probability theory and statistical data analysis. Students are instructed on how to perform statistical analysis for research and predictive probability for data management and optimization. Topics include zero-one laws, probability inequalities, weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorems, rates of convergence, Bayesian probability modeling, hierarchical and mixture models, tree models, Gaussian processes, and nonparametric Bayesian strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): Program Admission
  • MAT 5211 Regression Analysis

    Lecture: 5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 5
    This course focuses on mathematical regression models and the least squares criterion. Students study simple and multiple linear regression, regression diagnostics, confidence intervals, and testing. Topics include parameters, regression, analysis of variance, variable selection, and model building.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 5111  
  • MBA 5020 Technology Solutions and Security

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course will provide a framework to understand the structure and dynamics of Management Information Systems.  The focus will be on the use of technology by organizations to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and create competitive advantages, while also examining issues related to organizational and employee security.  The course will include discussion of new technologies, such as blockchain and cryptocurrency.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5030 Organizational Behavior & Management

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course will focus on principles of human behavior that effective managers use when managing individuals and groups in organizations. These include theories relating to individual differences, such as perceptions, abilities, attribution, and motivation.  Group behavior is also examined through the dynamics of power and politics, leadership, conflict resolution, organizational culture, and organizational structure. 

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5040 Global Economics

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course will focus on global economics for management, with a focus on factors and tools relevant to effective business operations.  Managers need to understand both country-level and global trends to make successful decisions regarding operations, marketing, strategy, and finance. The course will emphasize inflation, interest rates, GDP, employment, monetary and fiscal policy, exchange rates, and international trade and their impact on management decision making.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5050 Digital Marketing

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course will focus on the theoretical understanding of the digital marketplace and development of skills needed for in today’s rapidly changing economy.  The topics covered include online advertising, search engine optimization, interactive marketing, e-commerce, social influence, mobile marketing, social media monitoring, brand positioning, and integrating social media with traditional media.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5060 Applied Accounting & Finance

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course will focus on the role and decisions of the financial manager, whose primary responsibility consists of maximizing the value of the firm for its owners. The course will emphasize capital budgeting, cash management, and financial forecasting.  There will also be an emphasis on accounting as the means of conveying and analyzing financial information and performance to stakeholders.  The application and use of quantitative tools for decision making will be utilized.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5070 Entrepreneurial Leadership

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    The course will focus on Entrepreneurial Leadership (EL) and the aspects required to generate  enterprise transformation or transition from start-up and ongoing operations.  The skills, temperament, attitudes, techniques, theories, and philosophies can and should be practiced across all levels of business and organizational environments.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5080 Strategy Development & Implementation

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course will focus on the process firms use to build and sustain competitive advantages and achieve long term success in a global marketplace.  Strategic development and implementation requires an integrated view of the firm encompassing functional areas, such as operations, marketing, accounting, and finance.  Students will need to synthesize the entirety of their studies to develop well-thought-out,, integrated, actionable plans, which can be implemented by management for business success.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000  or Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5099 Special Topics in Business Administration

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    Readings and discussions in selected areas of business administration. Topics may include current issues in the accounting field, business law, economics, finance, management, marketing, information systems, international business, or operations management, healthcare or any applicable business field of study. May be taken as a general elective only.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Dean
  • MBA 5110 Business Organization and Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course explores how organizational design is influenced by strategy, environmental forces, and internal processes. Various organization designs, structures, and measurement systems are discussed and evaluated. Current challenges including globalization, domestic relationships, and the influence of technology are examined. Foundational theories, conceptual frameworks, methodologies, and business strategies are incorporated into this course that are used throughout the MBA program. This course should be taken in the first quarter of enrollment.

  • MBA 5111 Business Organization and Management

    Lecture: 5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 5
    This course explores how organizational design is influenced by strategy, environmental forces, and internal processes. Various organization designs, structures, and measurement systems are discussed and evaluated. Current challenges including globalization, domestic relationships, and the influence of technology are examined.  Foundational theories, conceptual frameworks, methodologies, and business strategies are incorporated into this course that are used throughout the MBA program.  This course should be taken in the first quarter of enrollment.

  • MBA 5120 Marketing Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course focuses on the application of marketing principles, concepts, and theory in the resolution of contemporary, strategic marketing management problems and opportunities. Students apply marketing knowledge, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities for effective marketing practice. An emphasis is placed on case studies and a marketing project.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5130 Research Methods in Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course is an introduction to research methodology with emphasis on research design, compilation, analysis, and interpretation. Various quantitative and qualitative techniques are presented in the context of managerial decision making. Topics addressed include descriptive statistics, organizing and summarizing data, graphical and tabular presentation of data using spreadsheets, probability theory and sampling distributions integrated with analysis of data, inferential statistics, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Excel is used as the primary tool for data analysis throughout the course.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5210 Accounting Information for Decision Making

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    The purpose of this course is to introduce the MBA student to various managerial accounting topics such as the costing of products/services, cost-volume-profit analysis, the use of accounting information, and opportunity costs in decision making and control. Students are also exposed to the basic elements of financial accounting with emphasis placed on understanding financial statements, footnote disclosures, annual reports, and SEC filings in the context of management decision making.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5220 Production and Operations Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course focuses on design, planning, and control activities to produce and deliver goods and services in modern organizations. Processes necessary for planning, organizing, and controlling resources in order to efficiently and effectively produce goods and services are presented and discussed. Current methods in quality management, including Six Sigma, are examined from a management perspective. Case study analysis is used for understanding of logistics and supply chain management issues.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5230 Global Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines the nature and scope of international organizations. Primary business functions and the application of managerial decision-making methodology in areas such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are used to study successful global operations. Case studies are used to examine the challenges of multinational and multicultural companies.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5310 Financial Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course consists of a review of basic financial concepts and terms and examination of the major types of financial decisions made by corporations today. Capital budgeting principles, capital structure, cost of capital, corporate financing, market efficiency, short-term asset management, and asset valuation are analyzed from the management perspective. This course also introduces complicating factors, such as agency costs, corporate governance, and ethical issues.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110
  • MBA 5320 Managerial Economics

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course prepares students to understand the role of economics in decision making within a business community. Topics include supply and demand, cost and market structures, and consumer choice theory as related to business decision making.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110
  • MBA 5330 Strategic Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course is designed to investigate strategy and its integrative role in business in a domestic and global setting. Concepts, models, and skills for developing and implementing strategies are covered with a focus on how to create and sustain competitive advantage in a dynamic and global environment.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110
  • MBA 5410 Managing Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course addresses the concept of classical theories and ethics in corporate decision making. The conflict between economic and social objectives in domestic and global environments using a case-based approach will be examined. Topics include global ethical dilemmas, corporate social responsibility, and ethical implications of managerial decisions.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5420 Leadership and Innovation

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines the theories, skills, and current ideas related to effective leadership practice in business and not-for-profit organizations. Topics examined include psychological drivers of leadership, leading with vision, forming strategy, leading culture change, leading teams, and leading with integrity. The role of communication in leadership and the intangible dimensions of leadership and innovation are also studied.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5421 Leadership and Innovation

    Lecture: 5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 5
    This course examines the theories, skills, and current ideas related to effective leadership practice in business and not-for-profit organizations. Topics examined include psychological drivers of leadership, leading with vision, forming strategy, leading culture change, leading teams, and leading with integrity.  The role of communication in leadership and the intangible dimensions of leadership and innovation are also studied. 

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5111  
  • MBA 5430 Current Issues in Management (Capstone)

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    Current Issues is an integrative capstone course dealing with the formulation and implementation of corporate strategy. In this course, students utilize research and problem-solving methods developed in the core MBA curriculum to analyze a real-world business situation. The final product is a substantive research report that demonstrates competence in empirical research and knowledge of the relevant scholarly literature. This course should be taken in the last quarter of MBA program.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  & MBA 5130 
  • MBA 5500 Business Law, Ethics, & Statistics

    Lecture: 9 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 9
    This course examines the legal and ethical environment of business needed to ensure that managerial decision making meets the expectations of government and market participants.  Topics also include the use of statistics/statistical techniques and effective communication skills for management that allows managers to persuade, motivate, and build collaboration within the organization more effectively. 

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000 , if required
  • MBA 5510 Introduction to Healthcare Administration

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course provides an introductory level overview of the United States Health Care system, including a basic understanding of pertinent historical, current, political, organizational, human resources, financial, and quality issues. The course explores basic principles and tools of management, including the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling functions of healthcare organizations. The course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of current healthcare institutional structures and delivery systems, as well as the evolving health needs of U.S. citizens. Emphasis is placed on the basic concepts and issues that are associated with the management and regulation of health care providers and the delivery of services. Evolving alternative delivery systems are reviewed, as are changes occurring in the field of healthcare management.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5515 Social Media Concepts

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course introduces students to the theory, technology, strategic use, and limitations of social media. Students explore the possibilities and limitations of various social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogging for basic marketing strategies. Students use several forms of current social media technology to develop marketing plans.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5520 Quality Improvement in Healthcare

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines the key aspects of quality management and performance improvement in healthcare. Attention is given to quality management principles, such as quality assessment, risk management, utilization management, outcomes assessment, and benchmarking to improve healthcare services and patient safety. The principles and techniques of quality improvement are presented and applied to patient care and management of services in healthcare organizations.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5528 Social Media Marketing Strategy

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course focuses on strategic planning for social media marketing campaigns. Emphasis is placed on planning, developing, and integrating social media tools to engage target markets using social media channels. 

  • MBA 5530 Current Topics in Healthcare Administration

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    Current Topics in Healthcare Administration is an integrative course focused on the current trends and issues affecting the U.S. healthcare system. This course introduces students to the issues that lead to health policy formulation and promotes understanding of the complexities of the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Current publications and periodicals are reviewed to facilitate a real-time understanding of evolving healthcare issues. Developing and future trends are reviewed as they relate to the healthcare environment at local, state, and federal levels.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5535 Case Studies in Social Media Marketing

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines realistic social media marketing situations. Students will utilize problem-solving, analytical tools, and decision making to cope with marketing uncertainties. The cases studied will focus on B2B and B2C marketing, ROI improvement, branding, and leveraging social media for increased patronage.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5120 
  • MBA 5548 Service Marketing Strategis

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course examines marketing strategies for services. Theories, principles, applications, and case studies for the service industry are examined.  Major topics include customer specifications, aligning service design and standards, delivering, performing, and managing service requirements.

  • MBA 5558 Promotion Management

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course examines planning, executing, and evaluating marketing campaigns. Major topics include print, electronic, and digital media production, marketing segmentation, consumer behavior, public relations, and relationship building.

  • MBA 5570 Human Resource Recruiting & Staffing

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course provides an overview of the issues, practices, and procedures involved in talent acquisition, deployment, and retention. Emphasis is placed on how the functions of recruitment, selection, staffing, and training fit into a human resources department, the company overall, and the company’s strategic plan.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  with a grade of C or better
  • MBA 5575 Human Resource Compensation & Benefits

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    The course focuses on the critical issues related to the strategic management of the organization’s compensation and benefit system with emphasis on the overall total rewards provided to employees in return for their contributions to an organization. The course examines an overview of organization practices, theory, and research in compensation decision-making and administration.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  with a grade of C or better
  • MBA 5600 Management & Leadership

    Lecture: 9 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 9
    The course focuses on developing knowledge and skills for management and leadership. Topics include organizational behavior, production management, and human resource management within the context of managerial decision making, as well as fundamentals of leading organizations.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000 , if required
  • MBA 5610 Introduction to Business Intelligence & Analysis

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course is an introduction to Business Intelligence and Analytics with an emphasis on improving management decision making. Topics include architecture, dashboards, analytical applications, tools, standardization, and successful integration. Descriptive analytics for visualizing and exploring data, and data modeling are introduced.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110  
  • MBA 5611 Introduction to Business Intelligence & Analysis

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course is an introduction to Business Intelligence and Analytics with an emphasis on improving management decision making. Topics include architecture, dashboards, analytical applications, tools, standardization, and successful integration. Descriptive analytics for visualizing and exploring data, and data modeling are introduced.

  • MBA 5620 Business Analytics Techniques

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course continues the study of descriptive analytics and introduces predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. The main focus of this course is the process of transforming data into actions through analysis and insights in the context of organizational decision making and problem-solving. Software packages and add-ins are used to solve business problems. Topics include statistical inference, trendlines, regression analysis, data mining, risk analysis, and linear optimization.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  & MBA 5610 
  • MBA 5621 Business Analytics Techniques

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course continues the study of descriptive analytics and introduces predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. The main focus of this course is the process of transforming data into actions through analysis and insights in the context of organizational decision making and problem-solving. Software packages and add-ins are used to solve business problems. Topics include statistical inference, trendlines, regression analysis, data mining, risk analysis, and linear optimization.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5500  
  • MBA 5630 Problems in Business Analytics

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines cases in analytics of companies that have used business analytics for competitive advantage. Problems focus on applying the skills needed to use analytic tools, data access, and data management. Applications using data modeling, optimization, risk analysis, and forecasting are used to solve real-world business problems.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  & MBA 5610 
  • MBA 5631 Problems in Business Analytics

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course examines cases in analytics of companies that have used business analytics for competitive advantage. Problems focus on applying the skills needed to use analytic tools, data access, and data management. Applications using data modeling, optimization, risk analysis, and forecasting are used to solve real-world business problems.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5500  
  • MBA 5700 Accounting, Finance, & Economics

    Lecture: 9 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 9
    This course focuses on the quantitative side of business, accounting, finance, and economics.  Business organization outcomes are primarily evaluated based on results.  The aspects of each discipline that are required by managers to make effective decisions and interpret their results are examined. 

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000 , if required
  • MBA 5710 Financial Markets & Institutions

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines the risks faced by investors interacting through financial institutions and markets. Topics include interest rates, security valuation, the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, money markets, bond markets, stock markets, and commercial banks.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5711 Financial Markets & Institutions

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course examines the risks faced by investors interacting through financial institutions and markets. Topics include interest rates, security valuation, the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, money markets, bond markets, stock markets, and commercial banks.

  • MBA 5720 Investment Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines the concepts, theories, and techniques underlying the development of investment policies and strategies. Topics include the investment environment, trading arenas, mutual funds, risk, return, optimization of portfolios, and index models.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  & MBA 5310 
  • MBA 5721 Investment Management

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course examines the concepts, theories, and techniques underlying the development of investment policies and strategies. Topics include the investment environment, trading arenas, mutual funds, risk, return, optimization of portfolios, and index models.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5711  
  • MBA 5730 Case Studies in Financial Analysis

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines capital markets, investor expectations, and managerial decision making. Through the use of actual company information, students apply concepts such as financial analysis, financial forecasting, cost of capital, capital budgeting, and resource allocation to prepare recommendations and write business reports. Spreadsheet analysis of financial data is used for data-driven decision making.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  & MBA 5310 
  • MBA 5731 Case Studies in Financial Analysis

    Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 3
    This course examines capital markets, investor expectations, and managerial decision making. Through the use of actual company information, students apply concepts such as financial analysis, financial forecasting, cost of capital, capital budgeting, and resource allocation to prepare recommendations and write business reports. Spreadsheet analysis of financial data is used for data-driven decision making.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5711  
  • MBA 5800 Strategy, Global Business, Systems, & Marketing

    Lecture: 9 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 9
    This course examines strategic decision making from the perspective of marketing, technology, and the global economy. Critical aspects for the development and implementation of a business strategy are included.   

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 5000 , if required
  • MBA 5810 Managing Information Systems to Create Value

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines the connection between business strategies and information systems with an emphasis on improving business processes. Topics include expert systems, artificial intelligence, automation, streamlining, communication networks, ebusiness, and security. Infrastructures, architecture, business intelligence systems, data warehousing, and the system development life cycle are also examined.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5820 Data Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course examines data management systems to facilitate sharing of information. Topics include data collection, storage, and retrieval for strategic and operational decision making. Data warehousing, web-enabled data-driven systems, SQL, and relational database management systems are also examined. Actual business case studies are used to analyze business requirements and evaluate database management systems.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5825 Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course is a survey of quantitative tools and techniques used in the operation and management of organizations. Students use software to develop models, analyze, and apply to business situations.

    Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MBA 5110 
  • MBA 5828 Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course is a survey of quantitative tools and techniques used in the operation and management of organizations. Students use software to develop models, analyze, and apply to business situations.

  • MBA 5830 Project Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course focuses on the concepts contained in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) including the five process groups and ten knowledge areas. This course is designed to assist students in preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. PMP and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5110  & MBA 5825 
  • MBA 5835 Advanced Topics in Project Management

    Lecture: 4 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4
    This course continues the study of project management as a process approach. Major topics include project scope, project time, project cost, project risk, and project quality. Students analyze and evaluate case studies using current software for effective project management.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA 5830 
  • MBA 5838 Project Management

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course focuses on the concepts contained in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) including the five process groups and ten knowledge areas. This course is designed to assist students in preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. PMP and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. 

  • MBA 5848 Advanced Topics in Project Management

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course continues the study of project management as a process approach. Major topics include project scope, project time, project cost, project risk, and project quality. Students analyze and evaluate case studies using current software for effective project management.

  • MBA 5907 Leading Teams in Business

    Lecture: 4.5 Lab: 0 Practica: 0 Total Credits: 4.5
    This course examines the principles of leading well-functioning teams by analyzing the variety of interrelated practices underlying groups. Emphasis in the course is on building teams, leading teams, effective team meetings, trust, and problem solving.  Topics also include communication and managing conflict and change.


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