Feb 16, 2025  
2020-2022 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 3 
2020-2022 Catalog Volume XXX Ver 3 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Application Procedures

South College operates on a quarter system. Classes begin at various times throughout the year and are delineated in the academic calendar (Onground and Online Courses via General Academic Calendar).  To accommodate the experiential requirements of some programs, quarters may begin and end at alternate times. If so, the program will communicate this information to each admitted student on a timely basis through a program-specific Academic Calendar.

Applications for undergraduate general admissions for programs offered at all locations can be completed at http://www.south.edu/admissions/apply.  An application fee of $50 must accompany the application. This fee is not refundable except as provided under the Financial Information  section of this catalog.

General admission to South College does not guarantee admission to specific programs. Please see the section of the catalog pertaining to the declared major for information relating to specific program acceptance.  Programs may require additional applications when applying to the major.

Applicants to graduate programs (PharmD, DPT, DNP, DMin, EdS, MA, MBA, MEd, MHS, MS, or Graduate Certificate programs) should visit the section of the catalog dedicated to these programs for information regarding all admission and application procedures and/or the website indicated above.

Student Right to Know

To comply with federal regulations regarding the reporting of completion/graduation and transfer-out, South College annually prepares information regarding the completion/graduation rates within 150% of the normal time to complete the program and the transfer-out rates of students enrolled at the institution in the fall quarter each year as of October 15 who have never been enrolled in college other than at South College who are pursuing certificate and degree programs at the institution. You may review this information in the Consumer Information section of the South College website.

General Undergraduate Admission Requirements

In order to be considered for general undergraduate admittance to South College, the prospective student must:

For Certificate Programs:

Provide proof of high school graduation from an acceptable high school or the equivalent (GED/HiSET).

For Associate and Baccalaureate Programs:

Provide proof of high school graduation from an acceptable high school or the equivalent (GED/HiSET) (except as noted below) and meet one of the following:

  1. Obtain the specified score on the college-administered entrance examination. Score requirements for admission can be obtained from the Admissions Department.
  2. Submit a minimum SAT combined score of 830. Essay section not required.
  3. Submit a minimum ACT Assessment composite score of 17. (ACT Superscores will be accepted.)
  4. Provide evidence of completion of an associate degree or above from an accredited institution with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. No proof of high school or the equivalent is required once evidence is received and approved.
  5. Evidence of a 2.5 cumulative high school GPA (unweighted or weighted). Students who have earned a GED with a passing score in all categories and an average score of 165 or higher will be deemed to have fulfilled this requirement. Students who have passed the HiSET and scored a minimum of 15 out of 20 on each of the 5 subtests will be deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.

Applicants who have completed their high school education through home schooling are required to submit proof of a minimum SAT or ACT score as indicated above, meet the criteria established for acceptance as a transfer student, or provide acceptable documentation of home-schooling evaluation. South College does not accept IEP, Special Education, Technical, or vocational diplomas as the equivalent of a high school diploma.

Credentials earned outside the United States must be evaluated by a NACES-member credential evaluation service.  Please speak with an Admissions Representative for more information.

General admission to South College does not guarantee admittance to those programs with additional programmatic admission requirements.  Please visit the section of the catalog dedicated to the program of choice for information regarding all admission and application procedures. 

South College does not accept undocumented foreign nationals.

Note:  In order for admitted VA students to qualify for veteran related financial aid, South College must receive all official transcripts from previous post-secondary/training institutions that include possible transfer credits by no later than the end of the first quarter of enrollment.

Note: The college administered entrance examination is required at the discretion of the college if test scores submitted are older than seven years.

To facilitate the admissions process, unofficial documentation, such as copies of transcripts or grade reports, may be used to determine admission status.

Admission in good standing is granted when all general requirements are met. Where required, all documents submitted to the college become its property and will not be returned. Acceptance is conditional on receipt of all official documents required and admissions requirements met.  South College may rescind acceptance if all official documents required by the college are not received within one quarter. The college does not generally admit students on a probationary basis.  A student’s failure to provide acceptable verification of proof of high school graduation/GED will result in the following:

  • Discontinued enrollment as of the end of the first quarter.
  • If there is no indication that the student has failed to complete high school or its equivalency, grades will be awarded for the term completed during conditional acceptance to the program of enrollment.
    • All tuition and fees associated to this term of enrollment under conditional acceptance will remain on the student’s account. The student will be responsible for any outstanding balance and/or debt associated with this term.
    • Transcripts can be released if the balance on the account has been cleared.
    • The student will not be eligible for re-entry until official proof of graduation is on file with the registrar’s office.
  • If there is any indication that the student has failed to complete high school or its equivalency, the term of enrollment under conditional acceptance will be cancelled.
    • Once the enrollment has been cancelled, all tuition and fees, with the exception of book charges, will be credited to the student’s account and all financial aid received will be returned to the appropriate party.
    • Any applicable non-federal funding may be held to cover book charges on the account as it applies to the student’s situation.
    • No grades will be awarded for the term.
    • No transcript will be released.
    • The student will not be eligible for re-entry until official proof of graduation is on file with the registrar’s office.

Exceptions to the one quarter period may be granted for unusual situations or circumstances. All exceptions must be approved by the campus Dean or the Executive Vice President of Financial Aid & Registrar Operations.

Students who are citizens of countries other than the United States should refer to the section entitled Admission of International Students.

Admission of Transfer Students (Non-Degree Holders)

To be eligible for undergraduate general admission, transfer students must be a high school graduate from an acceptable high school or have earned the equivalent (GED) and meet the following stipulations:

  1. Transfer from an accredited collegiate institution.
  2. Have earned a minimum of 23 quarter/15 semester hours with an overall cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0 (only college level academic courses are applicable).  If more than one postsecondary institution was attended, all transcripts are required to determine the overall cumulative grade point average.

Notes: Students who have a course or courses in progress on an unofficial transcript for a current quarter or semester in which they are enrolled may be qualified for admission as long all other requirements are met.  Once all in-progress courses are complete, an updated and official transcript must be provided and reevaluated to ensure compliance with all admission requirements. 

In order for admitted VA students to qualify for veteran related financial aid, South College must receive all official transcripts from previous post-secondary/training institutions by no later than the end of the second quarter of enrollment.

Verifying documentation of the above requirements must be received by the institution and become property of the institution.

General admission to South College does not guarantee admittance to those programs with additional programmatic admission requirements.  Please visit the section of the catalog dedicated to the program of choice for information regarding all admission and application procedures. 

Students applying to graduate programs must meet the admissions and application procedures and requirements indicated for the associated program.

Students who are citizens of countries other than the United States should refer to the section entitled Admission of International Students.

Admission of Non-Degree/Certificate Seeking Students (Undergraduate Only)

Enrollment in selected subjects is available to adults who wish to complete these courses for the purpose of personal enrichment. These students are classified as special subject students and are generally not required to meet admissions requirements. Students may attempt up to 36 credits in this status.  There is no eligibility for Title IV funding while in this status.  If a special subject student wishes to change his/her status at any time, for example to pursue a degree or certificate, the student must contact the Registrar staff.  All admissions requirements must be met in order to do so.  Credits earned in this status will be applied to the degree pursuit as applicable.

Admission of Visiting Students (Undergraduate Only)

Visiting status means that students are admitted only for a specified period of time, normally one quarter. Applicants for visiting status must file a regular application form and gain confirmation that the specific course(s) taken at South College will transfer to their own institution when satisfactorily completed. Since visiting students are not admitted as regular students, transcripts of college work completed elsewhere are not usually required of such applicants. Visiting students who wish to remain at South College longer than one quarter must meet all requirements for regular admission as transfer students.

Acceptable Accredited Collegiate Institution

South College requires that prior coursework taken by transfer students or transfer credit requested for review be taken at an acceptable accredited collegiate institution. An acceptable accredited collegiate institution possesses either regional or national accreditation granted by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Individual programs within South College may define additional criteria for acceptable accreditation to meet the requirements of specific programmatic accreditation.

Background Checks/Criminal History

Acceptance into a South College program or completion of a program does not imply or guarantee that a student will be able to obtain licensure, certification, or employment. Several South College programs require field experiences during the curriculum (e.g., clinicals, internships, practicums, fieldwork, student teaching) and/or lead to a field that requires a license or certification. Background checks are required prior to matriculation into these programs and may further be required prior to the field experiences and/or licensure/certification.  Students should be aware that a prior misdemeanor or felony arrest or conviction (or an event of this nature occurring during the program) may restrict the individual’s ability to gain admission into the program, progress into field experiential training, and/or obtain professional licensure or certification. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the program of any issues that may have occurred in the past or that arise during the program.  The events may require voluntary withdrawal or administrative dismissal from the program.  All students are responsible for learning the requirements for licensure within their home state or any state in which he/she wishes to practice to ensure ability to meet these requirements.

Transfer Credit

Undergraduate - Credit for transfer work may be given if it was taken at an accredited collegiate institution, if it is equivalent to courses offered at South College, and if it carries a grade of C or better. Any coursework older than seven years, regardless of the institution at which it was taken, may be denied transfer credit due to the material being determined outdated. This also applies to courses taken at South College/Knoxville Business College/South College-Asheville.  Accepted time limits for all courses/programs are available via the South College website under the Admissions tab. Transfer credit will not be given for developmental courses such as basic mathematics or English. Other skill courses completed, such as computer courses and medical lab courses, will be reviewed on an individual basis. Students should consult with the registrar staff about questions related to acceptance of transfer credits. The institution reserves the right to request additional information about any courses requested for transfer evaluation.

Credits earned at non-accredited or vocational institutions will not be accepted. Students transferring from such institutions may attempt to earn credit through the credit by examination process for those courses in which these examinations are available. South College does not award credit for experiential learning or for professional certification.

Acceptance of credits earned at other institutions is limited to 75% of the total hours required for the particular degree or certificate program. Credit for transfer work may not be awarded until the applicable official transcripts are received by South College.  The final term of coursework must be completed at South College unless approved by the Chief Academic Officer.

The college reserves the right to reject any or all credits from other institutions regardless of their accreditation status. The college reserves the right to refuse transfer credit for courses if the student’s subsequent grades in required courses in the same subject fall below a 2.0 average.

Graduate - Policies for the acceptance of any graduate level transfer credit are determined by the associated program faculty within guidelines determined by the institution. Please review information in the section of the catalog dedicated to the program. Only those programs allowing transfer credit include the topic in the catalog information.

Transferability of Credits to Other Colleges

Similar to most colleges, the transfer of credit to and from South College can be uncertain for two important reasons. Every campus designs coursework to reflect the integrity and quality of its own degrees/credentials and will want to honor that design in the review and evaluation of transfer work. Moreover, South College students will many times begin work in their major and career field during the first academic year. Every attempt will be made to give students requesting credit transfer to South College a thorough appraisal related to their educational goals at the college. Students considering transfer to other colleges and universities should consult with the registrar at those institutions concerning the courses completed at South College. South College does not guarantee that credits earned at South College will be accepted by another college - the acceptance of transfer credits earned at another institution is at the discretion of the receiving school.

College Credit for Military Experience and Training

As a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Consortium (SOC), South College follows the American Council for Education (ACE) Guide for recommendations for the award of transfer credit for military training and/or experience. CLEP general examinations, CLEP subject examinations, DANTES subject standardized tests, College Board advanced placement examinations, and professional certification examinations may also be submitted for consideration of award of credit. 

Students receiving VA Educational Benefits are required to submit transcripts for all previous secondary education attempted as well as proof of graduation from high school or GED completion and award before the end of the second quarter of enrollment.  These students are also required to submit either the Form DD 214 (DD 295 for active duty) or the Certificate of Eligibility (eBenefits documentation of individual VA Educational Benefits for the student printed upon enrollment will be accepted in lieu of COE). Each student should request a copy of the Joint Services Transcript or Community College of the Air Force transcript for review of possible transfer credits.

Credit by Examination (Challenge Exams)

South College offers students an opportunity to obtain credit in areas of competency through college administered challenge examinations in limited areas. The Chief Academic Officer, in consultation with the academic department, is the final authority on whether or not a course may be exempted through the examination process. Skill courses, such as computer and medical lab courses, are reviewed on an individual basis. To be eligible to earn credit, the student must:

  1. Submit a completed Request for Challenge Examination form signed by all appropriate parties at the designated campus. 
  2. Verify that he or she has not previously taken the course at South College.
  3. Verify that he or she is not currently enrolled in the course at South College.
  4. Pay a $100 examination fee for all approved exams.

Challenge examinations are administered electronically via arranged time with the test administrator.  Students may attempt to earn credit by examination for a course only once, must score the appropriate score determined by their academic department to receive credit. Students who do not earn the minimum required score on any challenge exam must take the course as required in the curriculum.

Credits earned by examination are considered in the same way as transfer credits and are not used in the computation of the student’s grade point average. Students may not earn more than 75% of their total credits through credit by examination, transfer credit, or a combination thereof.

CLEP, Dantes DSST, AP, AICE, IB, and TSIC scores can be submitted for evaluation for course credit. The guidelines for awarding credit are available in the Admissions Department and on the institutional website.

Joint Enrollment for High School Students

Through this program for outstanding high school junior or senior students, eligible students may pursue collegiate coursework while completing their high school requirements. Students accepted are allowed to enroll part-time or full-time at the college provided they meet and maintain eligibility requirements and course prerequisites.  Students enrolled in South College courses are expected to meet all expectations for successful completion (equivalent to all other students in the courses).

Students may forfeit the privilege of participating in the program if they receive a grade below a C in their collegiate coursework or their high school average falls below the minimum requirement as indicated.

To be considered, a student must satisfy all of the following criteria:

  1. Provide a written recommendation from the principal or counselor.
  2. Have the written consent of the parent or guardian.
  3. Meet general admission requirements.
  4. Achieve and maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in high school work completed. An official high school transcript is required at the time of enrollment and may be requested periodically to evidence current grade point average. 

Further information about Joint/Dual Enrollment can be obtained through the Admissions Department.

Readmission of Former Students

Students who previously attended South College but who have withdrawn and not attended for one quarter must apply for readmission. Those not attending for one year or longer must also pay a $50 application fee. If enrolled at other colleges during their absence, students must have transcripts of coursework taken sent to South College. Applications for readmission should be submitted at least one month before the beginning of the quarter the student plans to return.

Returning students must either demonstrate that they already meet the entrance test requirements for admission in effect at the time of readmission or retest to achieve the minimum entrance score.

Students who withdraw from classes may experience difficulties in class scheduling when reenrolling. Most South College courses are offered on a rotating basis.

The college reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant for reentry who has an unacceptable academic or conduct record. Students with outstanding financial obligations must make arrangements with the Business Office before they will be allowed to matriculate.

Admission of International Students

International students who are citizens of other countries and those students who are from U. S. territories whose native language in their secondary school system is not English must provide the additional documentation listed below for successful general undergraduate admission or for review of application to graduate level programs.  Many undergraduate programs have additional requirements for admission.  Undergraduate general admission does not guarantee admission to these programs. 

All documentation must be submitted to the college 30 days prior to a term’s registration date in order for undergraduate general admission for that term to be considered.  Dates relating to graduate program admission consideration are available annually via the institutional website and by contact with program personnel.  The necessary documents are:

  1. Completed South College application for undergraduate general admission or applicable application/process for graduate program.
  2. $50.00 application fee for undergraduate general admission or $60 for graduate program application.
  3. Official scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).  Current F-1 students who transfer from another college/university are not required to submit a TOEFL score.
    • International students must show a sufficient knowledge of English as demonstrated by a minimum score on the TOEFL (550 TOEFL PBT, 213 TOEFL CBT, or 80 TOEFL iBT) or satisfactory completion of related college courses in the United States.  Score reports must be official and come to the institution directly from the testing service.
  4. Meet the Undergraduate General Admissions testing requirements or meet the criteria established for acceptance as a transfer student. Some programs have additional testing requirements for admission to the program. Please refer to the admission requirements for the specific program for more information.
  5. Certified copies of examination results, diplomas, and transcripts. One copy must be in the native language and one copy must be a certified English translation and equivalency evaluation prepared by a member agency of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services. It is the responsibility of the student to provide all necessary documents.
    • Evidence of satisfactory completion of secondary school graduation is required - Secondary school records must list the subjects studied each year and the mark or grade of proficiency earned in each, a key to the marking system with information in the minimum passing mark, and examination results if an exit examination is administered.
    • Post-secondary transcripts must include all subjects studied and the mark or grade earned in each subject and a key to the marking system with information in the minimum passing mark.
  6. Official transcript from any US institution attended.
  7. Completed Proof of Financial Ability Form. (Not required of U. S. Trust or Territories students.)

Admission is based on appropriate documentation of high school completion, as well as college or university transcripts, as applicable.  Additional materials and testing may be required for graduate level programs.  International students requesting undergraduate admission as transfer students are considered on a case-by-case basis.

International students seeking undergraduate transfer credit from international institutions, or who are seeking admission to a graduate program, must provide an evaluation of credit from an acceptable evaluation service.

A Certificate of Eligibility for Non-immigrant Student Status (Form I-20) will be mailed to accepted international students who are coming to or staying in the United States to attend South College upon receipt of a completed Proof of Financial Ability Form evidencing ability to fund tuition, fees, and living expenses for the first academic year. It is the responsibility of admitted students to follow-up with the Office of the Registrar to ensure receipt of the Form I-20 within the needed period in order to remain in the United States. Accepted students taking online classes from outside of the United States are not required to have an I-20. Please note that international students on temporary visas or those taking online classes from outside the United States are not eligible for financial aid and should expect to pay the full cost of enrollment.

Distance Education

Due to Homeland Security requirements, international students in the United States are limited in the number of courses that they can take online each quarter.  International students in the United States are limited to one online class, which is usually 4 credits.  If an international student in the United States needs only one course to finish his/her program of study, the course cannot be taken online.  There must be a physical presence requirement for the course.  If a student remains in the United States without reporting to any class, it becomes a security issue and is not allowed.

Math Course Requirements

All undergraduate students* are required to take MAT 1000 Mathematical Concepts and Applications unless one of the following exceptions is met (course considered a required course for program):

  1. Score of 320 or above on the Quantitative section of the Wonderlic or score 90 or above on the Mathematics section (original)/265 (next generation) of the Accuplacer Exam.
  2. Score of 19 or above on the Mathematics section of the ACT Exam.
  3. Score of 600 or above on the Mathematics section of the SAT Exam.
  4. Successfully have passed or received transfer credit for a higher-level mathematics course.
  5. Receipt of a B or higher in any non-remedial high school math course as evidenced by official high school transcript.
  6. For students with an earned GED: Score of 165 or higher on mathematics section of the GED test.

If no exceptions are met, then the student must enroll in and satisfactorily complete MAT 1000 in order to progress to other math courses.

All newly enrolled students must take the course within their first two quarters of enrollment at South College.

*Certain undergraduate certificate programs, due to the nature of the program, do not require math and the above does not apply (e.g. Certificate in Dental Assisting, Certificate in Medical Assisting, Certificate in Software Development, Certificate in Data Science).

Immunizations Requirements

All new students enrolling in onground classes at South College campuses in Tennessee and North Carolina are asked to submit certain immunization documentation, including proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (chicken pox). Students may enroll with documentation of one dose of each required vaccine by the date specified for their enrollment period.

South College students enrolling in onground classes in Florida, Georgia, and Indiana along with those who are fully online are not required to submit immunization documentation prior to admission, but must comply with any requirements specific to his or her selected program and/or clinical rotation sites.

The minimum immunization requirements and exemptions to the requirements are discussed in the admissions process. The documentation required for program-required immunizations is outlined during the program admission process.